fix articles 364367, stable Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : stable


Libya in Free Fall (tags)


Births of Babies in Unlikely Places (tags)

Perhaps dreams come true in the religious sphere, but dreams don't come true in the political world without work and commitment. There are no real grinches or miracle births, only our own sweat equity and perseverance.

RP fails to get rating firm’s confidence vote (tags)

THE Philippines failed to secure a confidence vote from one of three important foreign credit-rating companies, after the country’s revenue-generating agencies missed collection targets for the first quarter. In a statement issued Friday night, Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services said it kept its credit-rating outlook for the country, currently stable, dashing government hopes that the rating company would lift the same to positive.

the Mosque Massacre was no Accident (tags)

The U.S. has been asked by Iraqi officials to quit running security operations. If that’s not an open invitation to go home, I don’t know what is. So why aren’t US forces packing up? Because Bush doesn’t really want a stable Iraqi government run by Shi’ias.

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