fix articles 3728, since april Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : since april

since april

The Conformity Forge and The Alchemy of Evil (tags)

One possible answer may be that governments, the media, the legal system, and the vast majority of the population are firmly embedded in a sociopolitical system that not only does not want anything about it to be questioned, but also actively prevents an awareness from arising.

Antifascists demand that May 8 become a holiday in Germany (tags)

The real goal is a nationwide public holiday anyway, as demanded in the petition. The Berlin Senate could also lobby for such a gesture, that May 8 be considered the day of liberation from National Socialism.

IMF Lowers Global Growth Projections and Raises Concerns of Financial Crisis (tags)

Bali, Indonesia - The International Monetary Fund released the World Economic Outlook Report and lowered global growth projections to 3.7 percent for 2018 and 2019.

Kiev Big Lie on Ending Donbas Conflict in Two Weeks (tags)


State Department Big Lies (tags)

police state

More Lawless US Sanctions on Russia (tags)


Reoccupation of the Hambach Forest in Germany (tags)

Struggle against megalomaniac energy provider RWE and the biggest human-made hole of europe.

Deplorable Bahraini Human Rights Violations (tags)

police state

Israeli Torture: Accountability Denied (tags)


Israel: Spoiling for Another Fight? (tags)


Teach-in on The War to be held in Venice (tags)

Anti-war activists in Venice will take a page from Vietnam protests, April 22, when they hold a teach-in on the war in Iraq and its impact on our community, at the Venice United Methodist Church.

On 9/11: Was the Asbestos-Laced World Trade Center "Disposable"? (tags)

Millions in the U.S. and worldwide now know there is evidence that 9/11 was an "inside job"; "false-flag," state-sponsored terrorism to provide a pretext for a premeditated war. But in exposing this evidence, the 9/11 Truth effort is also shedding light on a significant story-within-the-story: that the World Trade Center (WTC) was obsolete and asbestos-laced, and that its destruction on 9/11 may, for certain interests in the U.S., have been both desirable and profitable--independent of any interest in war.

California Groups Unite Against Minutemen (tags)

On Saturday, September 17 at 5:00 p.m., groups and individuals from across Southern California are caravanning to Calexico to stop the minutemen.

Democracy behind Tank Barricades (tags)

For Washington the elections in Iraq are a milestone on the way to freedom but for Iraqis they are another step into civil war.. Almost nothing has the same meaning for Iraqis and Americans..There is hardly a com-mon interest between liberator & liberated.

Vigilant Resolve (tags)

Remembering The First Siege Of Fallujah: Excerpts From Testimony Submitted To The World Tribunal On Iraq, University of Rome (III), February 10-13, 2005

"Let Me Leave and Be Free", pleads Israeli whistleblower Vanunu. (tags)

Since April 21 2004 Mordechai Vanunu has been pleading for his freedom to leave Israel along with telling the Israeli government , and anyone else who will listen: 1. He told the truth about nuclear weapons 2. He has no more secrets to tell.

Hope Floats! (tags)

Hope floats! eternally light above these darker times. Hope floats! and gives cause to celebrate the small and large gestures we make individually and together towards one another. Hope floats! and gathers momentum, purpose and solidarity. Hope Floats and carries the human spirit higher as the work continues...."

The Death of Sgt. Van Dale Todd (tags)

Are Iraq veterans going to be treated the way Vietnam veterans were?

Venezuela- the revolution faced with sabotage (tags)


Recent Developments Concerning the International Solidarity Movement (tags)

New Profile, a Movement for the Civil-ization of Israeli society, hopes to continue to circulate the following ISM information in order to bring awareness and attention to what is taking place in Israel and in the Occupied Territories.

WTO 12 trial Feb 10th (tags)

The WTO 12 are about to challange state authority to brutalize it's own citizens and they are doing it in a difficult yet effective way ... in court.

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