fix articles 373648, karl carter
Change the Game PSA Filming in LA SATURDAY APR 19th (tags)
Change the Game invites LA organizers to PSA filming SATURDAY APRIL 19th... Change the Game is the vehicle through which today’s youth will foster change in response to the social injustices that plague our global community. Utilizing a network of inter-activists, this organization will execute cutting edge actions and create a guerilla media campaign that will generate awareness by targeting all media outlets. Change the Game’s mission is to affect public opinion and to redefine activism as cool, current, and essential to the lives of today's youth.
Youth Break the Media Blockade on Anti-War Protests (tags)
Break the Media Blockade on Anti-War Protests YOUTH MOVES to Build THEIR Own Media by Telling THEIR Story THEIRSelves. Change the Game on Saturday April 19th 3pm-5pm Sunset Blvd. meets Hollywood Blvd. at the cross roads.