fix articles 374595, what happens when
How Will PG&E Vankruptcy Affect Nuke Plant Shutdown? (tags)
PG&E's bankrupcy filing will, among other things, affect the scheduled shutdown of its Diablo Canyon nuclear plant on Central California's coast. But how?
As Trump consolidates his power, the history of 1930s Germany repeats itself (tags)
Compromises, concessions, and countermeasures are necessary in America after the budget attacks on the poor, seniors, the disabled, students and chidlren.
What Happens When the Media Coverage DRies Up and Forgets Your Cause?? (tags)
I am writing from Missouri. I have noticed how often popular causes have drifted out of coverage.For example the coverage of latch key kids in the 1980's was soon lost. Is it real or was it something concocted in a lab??
Hitler Knew Where the Jews Lived - Why? (tags)
Hitler could round up the Jews because he knew where everyone of them lived. Why did he know?
THE COP-OUT! is a bi-weekly radical review of police-oriented websites by activist/author Kirsten Anderberg. She will review sites covering everything from police stress, to riot gear, to cop humor...from an activist's point of view.
With Blessings from the FCC and Congress, the High-tech Industry Wants to Privatize the Internet. What Happens When you Have to Pay to Join the Information Revolution?