fix articles 374907, coca cola company
Spiteful Government Puts Hammond in Slammer 10 Years (tags)
Framed and defamed, anarchist hacker was egged on by an FBI snitch, Sabu, to attack foreign targets.
En la mas reciente y ridicula iniciativa de la alicaida oposicion venezolana contra el Presidente Hugo Chavez, el lider del micropartido Alianza Bravo Pueblo (que representa menos del 1% del electorado), Antonio Ledezma, ex-militante del otrora poderoso partido socialdemocrata Accion Democratica, de donde fue expulsado por corrupcion administrativa cuando fue Alcalde de Caracas en los años 90, denunciara ante la Fiscalia General de la Republica al primer mandatario por "drogadiccion" y "apologia al consumo de drogas", solicitando incluso un examen toxicologico, en alusion a las palabras que dirigio el Presidente en su mensaje anual ante la Asamblea Nacional, en donde afirmo en cadena de radio y television que todas las mañanas tomaba te de hoja de coca o masticaba pasta de coca, y que gracias a ello se mantenia sano y fuerte.
Hollywood Stock Exchange's Max Keiser ,Al Jazeera promote Naked U.S. Penny Stock Fraud (tags)
Does Max Keiser and Al Jazeera in Arabic have a translation for 'naked shorting' or 'naked short selling' (a term used only by and for a U.S. penny stock scam) in Arabic !? What is it ? ! Does 'naked shorting' explain the collapse of Middle East markets of Dubai,Saudi Arabia and Kuwait,etc.,a while back ? I don't think so,unless Max Kleiser would like to make a case for that as well......
Soft drink manufacturers are running scared and are in full Public Denial mode. Aspartame the poison used to sweeten many diet drinks and foods is accumulating a record of deadly side effects and people are beginning to become aware of it. Here's a current article and a couple of links to more detail.