fix articles 37883, palestinian islamic jihad
Hamas’s Theater of the Absurd: “Cannibals in Gaza” (tags)
This article looks at how Hamas abuses average Gazans in its struggle with Israel.
Last Time Iraq, This Time Iran, Time For Purim (tags)
This article reviews Iraqi & Iranian behavior toward Israel, in the light of Purim.
Sami Al-Arian: Deported, Free at Last (tags)
police state
Rahim Kurwa, Co-author of UCSA resolution needs to disclose affiliations (tags)
Rahim Kurwa, UCLA graduate student and divestment activist is a shill for extremist anti-Israel groups
The PA is and arm of Imperialism/Zionism (tags)
"Meanwhile, yesterday’s “impromptu” attack on an al-Jazeera office in the West Bank turns out to have been anything but, as local journalists confirmed that the people leading the attackers were PA police officers wearing civilian clothes. PA negotiator Saeb Erekat sought further action against al-Jazeera, insisting they were guilty of inciting violence against him and his family for reporting his involvement in past negotiations, including comments that seemed to eschew the right of return."
Sami Al-Arian: From Exoneration to Criminal Indictment (tags)
His long ordeal continues
Chris Hedges Exposes U.S. War Crimes in Iraq (tags)
Chris Hedges, author of "War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning" and co-author of the new book "Collateral Damage: America's War Against Iraqi Civilians," spoke in San Diego June 25 and expressed his disillusion with the American political system in general and the Democratic party in particular. He said he's not going to vote for either Barack Obama or John McCain because neither will completely withdraw U.S. forces from Iraq.
Sami Al-Arian's Long Ordeal (tags)
police state America persecution
The Long Ordeal of Sami Al-Arian - Civil and Human Rights Advocate and Political Prisoner (tags)
Sami Al-Arian's long struggle for justice
Did Israel President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ? (tags)
The land of International penny stock fraud makes for strange bedfellows and here often right wing cons of all stripes lie together.So it should come as no surprise that by touting or allowing his name to be used to tout a Michael Zwebner pump and dump penny stock scam(one of many over the years) President of Israel Moshe Katzav not only mixes his name and reputation with American mafia and international crooks and gangsters but also Mr.Zwebner's business partner in a number of scams over the years including UCSY or Universal Communications Systems is the infamous Mohamed Hadid,a Palestinian of ill repute connected to the Herndon,Virginia Muslim charity suspected in both money laundering and terrorist funding activities,including Al Qaeda.
An account of Israeli oppression against the Palestinian people
Ben Hecht & Sami Al-Arian: What’s the Difference? (tags)
The late Ben Hecht tried to save the Jews of Europe from the Nazi onslaught. Sami Al-Arian is struggling to lift the cruel Israeli occupation off the backs of the Palestinians. Hecht was praised for his First Amendment efforts, while Al-Arian faces trial in Florida “for supporting terrorism!” A devout Muslim, he has been a leader in the Tampa, Florida community. Al-Arian has also been fired from his tenured teaching position at the U. of South Florida.
Head of Sept. 11 Commission Said Iraq War for Israel (tags)
Head of Sept. 11 Commission Said Iraq War for Israel
9/11 Commission Director: Iraq War Launched to Protect Israel (tags)
It is time to start asking the question of why the US Government seems more concerned about the wishes of a foreign government than its own people. The US has commited the ultimate international sin; killing another nation. While no surprise to those of us who have been watching the war closely all along, (you know, those of us who knew there really weren't any weapons of mass destruction) Zelikow's remarks come as no surprise. A web search will show that Israel was cheering along the war all along AND providing the so-called "intelligence" about Saddam's weapons, "intelligence" which even Israel now admits was an "overestimate" (euphemism de jour for lying). Parents of our slain war-dead, aware that the Iraq war was built on lies, can no longer even console themselves with the thought that their son or daughter died for their country, misguided as the country was. Your children were killed for for a foreign nation, offered up by the US Government as a blood sacrifice to Israel, traded for "campaign donations" You think about that one for a while.
Terrorist Organizations Syria supports (tags)
State sponsored terrorism is synonymous with Syria and more closely with the Assad regime. During the reign of Hafez al-Assad, and continuing with his son Baschar, Syria's al-Baath Party has embarked on strengthening its political hand by using the crudest of methods: Terrorism.
Syrian PM criticizes U.S. presence in Iraq (tags)
The threatened U.S. sanctions will have no effect on Syria, and the Syrian government will never endorse the American presence in Iraq, Prime Minister Naji al-Otari said in remarks published Friday.
Does Syria sponsor terrorism? (tags)
Syria, a secular dictatorship with one of the worldâ??s worst human rights records, has been on the State Department list of countries sponsoring terrorism since the listâ??s inception in 1979
Israel’s foreign policy is the U.S.’s foreign policy (tags)
“Wag the dog” Who’s calling the foreign policy shots behind the scenes in the Bush administration?