fix articles 391061, congressman rangel
Revolution Interview with Cindy Sheehan (tags)
Travis Morales, who has been part of the World Can't Wait encampment in front of the White House, had an opportunity to interview antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan. This summer Sheehan had caught the attention of millions by setting up camp outside Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas and demanding that Bush say what “noble cause” had sent her son as a soldier to Iraq, wher he was killed. When Travis caught up with Cindy, she had already been arrested twice that week protesting at the White House fence.
The "Iraqi Resistance" video - a must see (tags)
Reuters carried this article yesterday which discusses the Iraqi video which asks Bush, ""George W. Bush; you have asked us to 'bring it on'. And so have we, like you never expected. Do you have another challenge?" And don't miss "Tom Ridge: US 'should not rule out torture'" Or: US Military Tactic: Collective Punishment And: This is war