fix articles 39171, police abuse
Center for the Study of Political Graphics exhibit on Police Abuse posters (tags)
Center for the Study of Political Graphics' exhibit: "To Protect & Serve? Five Decades of Posters Protesting Police Violence." runs through Feb. 28
Police Abuse: Will a ‘torture’ verdict be the beginning of the end? (tags)
Similar to the crime of rape, that of police abuse is substantively underreported. But while news reports have rightly hailed the torture related conviction of former Chicago police lieutenant Jon Burge, all too many issues remain.
Stop Police Abuse - Build Community Self-Defense (tags)
Police killings and abuse with impunity are systemic. We can't rely on the courts for justice, but must build inter-communal solidarity and resistance and the capacity for community self-defense.
The Hidden Theft at KPFK and the Ongoing Firings, Purges and Bannings: You're Next???? (tags)
An analysis of why KPFK sounds different, and why it's losing listeners (and money).
Michael Zinzun Interviewed on Gang Truce (1995) (tags)
In 1995, I interviewed Michael Zinzun when he was in Springfield, Mass., for a Regional Criminal Justice Summit that brought together prisoners' rights advocates and folks working to overturn mandatory minimum sentencing laws. We talked about his work on the gang truce after the 1992 L.A. Riots / Uprising.
Long Beach Cop Watch - GET INVOLVED! (tags)
Support Sat. Long Beach March/Rally To Stop Police Brutality (tags)
Corrections and additions to news account of the Long Beach Event.
Short Update on Jackson-Chavis (tags)
Summary of a short conversation with Michael Zinzun of CAPA and the Donovan Jackson-Chavis Justice Committee.
Police Brutality Protest Tue May 7 @ 5 in Placentia (tags)
Violations of Civil and Human Rights Abuses
Placentia Residents Want Action on Police Abuse (tags)
Demo is Tuesday, May 7
A Formal Complaint of Seattle Government, Media, and Police Abuse. (tags)
Automatic reaction - Good or Bad?. Cops shooting at cops. Trauma is born. Trauma is born By US all: Terrorism. A Formal Complaint of Seattle Government, Seattle Media, and Seattle Police Abuse.
CNN: Little proof of activists' claims of police abuse (tags)
PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- Only a handful of allegations leveled by protesters regarding police abuse at the Republican National Convention are backed by medical evidence, a newspaper reported.
NLG Report On N30 Out Now! (tags)
The National Lawyers Guild has published a draft report on police abuse and the loss of Democracy (sic) that occured in Seattle the week the WTO came to town.