fix articles 39299, walt disney co
Nightline: War Dead Reading , Censored in 24% of U.S.A. (tags)
24% of the US tv market will not hear Ted Kopel read off the names of American war dead. Sinclair Broadcasting (which gave Bush $130,000) is censoring it because it paints the war in an unfavorable light.
Rush Limbaugh RESIGNS for racist commentary. (tags)
Well, another right wing shitbag puts his foot in his mouth and screams "THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT"....But apparently Rush couldnt convince anyone with his rhetoric and QUIT. Maybe Rush and Ann Coulter should team up for an old time Sunday right wing comedy hour, called it "Racist Fatty and Extremist Skinny"
Diller and Turner Join Call for Media Re-Regulation (tags)
A decade of "thoughtless deregulation" has led to the five largest media companies owning channels that draw 70% of the prime-time TV audience.
How has the American media conned its subjects into supporting war on Iraq? (tags)
How the U.S. media has systematically propagandized its American subjects to be pro-Israel and anti-Arab, and have programmed the American mind into accepting 300,000 American troops being sent to fight and die for the fascist government of Israel and greed-obsessed oil company executives. This story will list the seven biggest monolithic media conglomerates that dominate American political news & commentary. Copyright Richard Lee (2003)
Kermit the Frog's Peace Message (tags)
It ain't easy being Green, ya know.
Crime and Corruption at the Walt Disney Co (tags)
cartoon c 2002 by charles amsellem
Crime and Corruption at the Walt Disney Co (tags)
see the accopanying cartoon c 2002 by charles amsellem here:
Media Spending on the Dems (tags)
This business news story reminds us that even entertainment businesses buy politicians.