fix articles 39475, engineered food
BTL:Critics Challenge Monsanto's Claims Extolling Benefits of Genetically Engineered Food (tags)
Interview with Karen Perry Stillerman, Union of Concerned Scientists' food and environment program, conducted by Scott Harris
GMO Disease Epidemics: (14) Mad Cow Disease?? (tags)
Genetic Engineering (GE,GM,GMOs) is a nightmare technology that has already caused MANY disease epidemics -- documented but unpublicized. This is the 14th in a series revealing the epidemics, dealing here with the possibility that Mad Cow Disease resulted primarily from genetically-engineered cattle feed.
The End of Genetically Engineered Food? (tags)
As awareness of GE foods reaches levels seen in Europe, the wholesale rejection of what the British have dubbed "Frankenfood" is likely to be duplicated in the US.
Trader Joe's to Eliminate Genetically Engineered Food (tags)
GE Free LA praises decision of the specialty chain Looks to rest of industry to follow suit
Stop Genetic Engineering Teach-In and March (tags)
At a teach-in attended by nearly 250 people at Fairfax High on Saturday, August 12, speakers provided real information to correct the lies told by the media, biotech corporations, and US government. Many described the revolving door between federal regulators and the biotech industry which compromises the safety of our food supply. After the teach-in, activists marched to nearby Trader Joe's food store to demand that Trader Joe's stop selling genetically engineered food.
Stop Genetic Engineering & Build a Just, Sustainable Food System (tags)
At a teach-in attended by nearly 250 people at Fairfax High on Saturday, August 12, speakers provided real information to correct the lies told by the media, biotech corporations, and US government. Many described the revolving door between federal regulators and the biotech industry which compromises the safety of our food supply. After the teach-in, activists marched to nearby Trader Joe's food store to demand that Trader Joe's stop selling genetically engineered food.