fix articles 39612, physical
Capitalism can't overcome the laws of physics (tags)
That humanity can dominate nature “is an illusion.” The laws of thermodynamics remain in place. “Consequently, a growth-centered capitalist economy finds itself trapped in futile attempts to completely decouple itself from nature — aiming for a 100% circular, service-oriented and zero-waste existence.
How much children were killed by Nazis in World War 2? (tags)
During the Holocaust, children were especially vulnerable to death under the Nazi regime...
Stop Circus Animal Suffering – Protestors Urge Audiences to Shun the Wild Animal Circus (tags)
Animal Defenders International (ADI) is calling on the local community to stay away from the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus
Stop Circus Animal Suffering – Protestors Urge Audiences to Shun the Wild Animal Circus (tags)
Animal Defenders International (ADI) is calling on the local community to stay away from the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus
Stop Circus Animal Suffering – Protestors Urge Audiences to Shun the Wild Animal Circus (tags)
Calling on the local community to stay away from the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus
Stop Circus Animal Suffering – Protestors Urge Audiences to Shun the Wild Animal Circus (tags)
The Ringling Bros Circus Protest in Rosemont, Illisnois
Fear is used to control the people (tags)
My conclusions after 30 years of assaults by fbi and their operatives followThe:
Stop Circus Animal Suffering – Protestors Urge Audiences to Shun the Wild Animal Circus (tags)
Protestors to shun Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey in Dayton, Ohio
Stop Circus Animal Suffering – Protestors Urge Audiences to Shun the Wild Animal Circus (tags)
Calling on the local community to stay away from the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus
Stop Circus Animal Suffering – Protestors Urge Audiences to Shun the Wild Animal Circus (tags)
Ringling Circus Protest: Thursday July 9 at 12 noon & 6 pm at the STAPLES Center in Los Angeles
Memorial Day Dishonor and Disgrace (tags)
San Francisco Supervisors ban wild animal performances (tags)
Animal Performance ban in San Francisco
ADI Calls on US Circuses to End Wild Animal Acts Following News That Ringling Will Stop To (tags)
Ringling stops usage of elephants in circus.
Stop Circus Animal Suffering – Protestors Urge Audiences to Shun the Wild Animal Circus (tags)
Protest Wild Animal Circus
INDIANAPOLIS: Stop Circus Animal Suffering (tags)
ADI protests against Indianapolis circus.
Stop Circus Animal Suffering – Protestors Urge Audiences to Shun the Wild Animal Circus (tags)
ADI calls on protestors against circus in Chicago.
Stop Circus Animal Suffering – Protestors Urge Audiences to Shun the Wild Animal Circus (tags)
Animal Defenders International continues their nation-wide protest against circus-animal abuse in Rogers, Arkansas
ROSEMONT - Protestors Urge Audiences to Shun the Wild Animal Circus (tags)
ADI calls on protest against Rosemont circus.
Stop Circus Animal Suffering – Protestors Urge Audiences to Shun the Wild Animal Circus (tags)
Stop Circus Animal Suffering – Protestors Urge Audiences to Shun the Wild Animal Circus (tags)
ADI calls on local community to stay away from circus in Cleveland, OH.
Vero Beach: Protestors Urge Audiences to Shun the Wild Animal Circus (tags)
ADI leads protest against circus in Vero Beach, FL.
Stop Circus Animal Suffering – Protestors Urge Audiences to Shun the Wild Animal Circus (tags)
ADI leads protests against Boston circus.
Stop Circus Animal Suffering – Protestors Urge Audiences to Shun the Wild Animal Circus (tags)
Animal Defenders International is holding a protest outside the Ringling Circus in Grand Rapids
Stop Circus Animal Suffering – Protestors Urge Audiences to Shun the Wild Animal Circus (tags)
A protest will be held at Ringling Circus in Bakersfield to call for the end of animal suffering in circuses
Stop Circus Animal Suffering – Protestors Urge Audiences to Shun the Wild Animal Circus (tags)
Ringling Circus Protest in Portland calls for the end of circus animal suffering
Are Gay Men Being CREATED? (tags)
Are these gay men in Palm Springs an indication that homosexuality can be created?
Take Action Online w/ Amnesty International for Albert Woodfox of the Angola 3 (tags)
On Monday, Amnesty International launched an online campaign asking Louisiana Attorney General James Caldwell to not appeal the District Court's ruling to either release or retry Albert Woodfox, declaring: "After decades of injustice, let the Angola 3 ruling stand!" Please support Albert by taking action, and helping to spread the word. Now is a critical time in the fight for Albert's freedom. We want Caldwell's office to be inundated with emails so he hears it loud and clear that the cycle of injustice and cruelty must end.
Israeli Murder by Torture (tags)
Garda Security Employees at Bowie, MD SPEAK OUT Against Garda Cash Logistics (tags)
The purpose of this letter is to bring to light serious violations of ethical standards, company policies, DOT regulations and State law that have been committed by the Garda security management at the Bowie, MD Branch.
Commemorating Anti-Torture Day (tags)
Abusing East Jerusalem Children (tags)
Obama Tortures Bradley Manning; Where are CCR & ACLU lawsuits? (tags)
Democrat Obama is now torturing whistleblower Bradley Manning by keeping him in solitary confinement 23 hours per day, with no news contacts and no pillow or sheets allowed so he is now on anti-depressants. Where are the CCR (Center for Constitutional Rights) & ACLU lawsuits?
complicit doctors
When all the young men refuse to kill for the sake of peace, and when all the women forbid their men to kill for the sake of peace, and when you realize that no peace will come through killing,
Other events literally become invisible to you. Since basically past and future exist at once, you are at the same time dangerously constructing your future along the same lines
Humanity dreams the same dream at once, and you have your mass world. The whole construction is like an educational play in which you are the producers as well as the actors.
Obama proving no different from Bush
Once called "battle fatigue" and "shell shock" Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), recognized as a clinical condition in 1980, has been a part of warfare for those serving in armed forces for as long as anyone can figure. People who suffer from the disease often experience vivid flashbacks so real some act out what they re-experience. Other symptoms may be feeling distant from others, severe depression, feeling unable to be happy. Having trouble falling asleep and suffering uncontrollable outbursts of anger may also accompany the disease.
Seven Major Ways We Lose Force (tags)
Want to manifest the things you desire in life? Learn to gather, maintain, and build your force!
Eight Free Metaphysical Websites You Can't Live Without& (tags)
Religious ecstasy, being truly and completely in the present moment in the body - this is not exactly a sustainable state, now is it?
Feminist Self-defense: No God! No Master! No Sexist Aggressions! (tags)
* El Libertario published in its 51st edition (Venezuela, Novermber - Dicember 2007) a text compilation that expresses important aspects of what anarchism proposes may be done to face the growing problem of gender violence.
Torturing Palestinian Detaineed (tags)
Israel, like the US, condones and practices torture routinely
During a long time the Medicine kept itself unprepared for understand the association of the diseases of the body with the psychosomatic beginnings, but, at present, doctors show itself well open to the emotional aspects of his patients, passing to consider the human bring as a whole one, and not barely like a liver or a heart.
Time Calls for Amnesty for Undocumented Immigrants (tags)
The May Day marches of the workingclass have finally driven home to the ruling class the obvious and only citizenship solution for 12 million undocumented immigrants who do all the hard, physical labor: AMNESTY NOW! See the June 18, 2007 cover story of Time magazine
Collective unity
Human Evolution and Religion—A Global Truce through Anthropology (tags)
Every religion in the world was created to serve the needs of humans who are evolutionarily equal, and therefore, have asked the same questions about life. Anthropologists have identified a number of universal constants of religion, and have discovered that different religions aren’t so different from each other after all.
FBI taps cell phone mic as eavesdropping tool (tags)
The FBI appears to have begun using a novel form of electronic surveillance in criminal investigations: remotely activating a mobile phone's microphone and using it to eavesdrop on nearby conversations.
As the war on terror heads into its sixth year, a new racial stereotype is emerging in America. Brown-skinned men with beards and women with head scarves are seen as "Muslims" -- regardless of their actual faith or nationality.
Latest British terror scare is another false flag. The alleged terrorists in England are chemists who have been detained vis a vis Internet chatter. There is no physical evidence; none bought plane tickets and at the time of their arrest, no physical evidence of liquid explosives were found at the scene.
level 7
Death Don't Worry About It! (tags)
We are about to enter a time of vast destruction and death not seen since the second world war, so learning about death may be of some comfort in the near future.
Hysteria on 'crystal meth' prove full of holes and obvious attack on gains (tags)
A batch of apparently unheard-of articles demystify and debunk addiction hysteria (i.e. drug addiction). With the 'crystal meth' hysteria hurdling virtually unchallenged in many alternative communities of late, these should prove crucial!
Is Normal Now A Mental Illness? (tags)
Is your child easily distracted? Or perhaps he talks excessively, or can become impatient?
The Ancient Wisdom of the Breath (tags)
This may be the beginning of the most fascinating adventure that you have ever undertaken because it begins with you.
Wolf Advocates Take Alaska Boycott Drive to the Internet (tags)
Darien, Conn. — Throughout the month of February, activists opposed to Alaska’s state-sponsored aerial wolf-killing seek 28,000 pledges supporting a boycott of Alaska tourism.
George Bush's Book of Days (tags)
George Bush's Book of Days Documenting his Near-term Future by noted astrologer Mike Jordan of the Harmonic Astrology Project
This article explores a comment made to one of my articles, by "Officer Friendly," that said about police violence at protests, "If you mess with the bull, you get the horns, you know what I mean?" I began to compare the bull and the police...
How To Boycott Electronic Voting Machines (tags)
In light of the controversy surrounding the Electronic Voting Machines ( ) I am proposing that everyone submit their vote in the form of an absentee ballot. One of the problems with the electronic voting machines is that many of them (if any? and who knows which ones do or don't) do not create a physical log of the voting records. Also there have been reports of abnormalities in vote tallying. Without this physical log it makes it extremely difficult, if not impossible to verify the voting records. If they are not going to allow a trail to be created, I suggest that we create on for them.
US Peacekeeper Susan Barclay Successfully Resists Deportation from Israel (tags)
After tenacious physical resistance aboard a 5:20 AM KLM Airlines flight at Ben Gurion Airport, Susan Barclay appeared before an Israeli judge this morning and has been released, free to stay in Palestine through March 10th (or longer if she chooses to fight her visa extension denial).
Down with Direct Action against Racists
LA Billboards: Patriotism or Pollution? (tags)
Another example of God-Bless-America propaganda? A self-serving ploy for a Disney-employed billboard artist who hides his commercial interests behind "patriotism" and the (misguided?) protection of the ACLU? Or just another piece of pollution on the landscape of the Los Angeles mental environment? Whatever the true nature and intent of this Westwood billboard, it has made a new, hard-to-ignore contribution to our blighted mental landscape of countless billboards and ads.
Delivered on the steps at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. on August 28, 1963 by Martin Luther King, Jr. They still echo today in a way he never could have anticipated.
DNC Official Pissed Over LAPD Treatment of His Daughter (tags)
LAPD harasses Philly officials for jaywalking while black. DNC officials' daughter gets strongarm treatment from LAPD.
Response to DJK and the call for active defense (tags)
For those who think that non-violence is not working and are claiming that they want to step-up to the baiting of violent agencies and bodies, the question is are you going to be the one to take charge of a situation and be on the front line, the buffer to take the hits?
warning: Hunger Strikes w/o WATER (tags)
It is our experience that people in jail or prison need to build and conserve our physical and mental strength so that we can help move the struggle forward, not deplete our strength and risk our lives so that others have to leave their posts to come to our aid.