fix articles 39778, at ucla
UCLA Luskin: Casting Youth Justice in a Different Light (tags)
Casting Youth Justice in a Different Light
Steve Mnuchin video at UCLA released (tags)
Steve Mnuchin video at UCLA released
At UCLA, a culture of equating 'Israel' with 'guilty' (tags)
When Israel is constantly on trial, it is no surprise that Jewish students can only be socially accepted when they join the 'indict-Israel' circus.
Local activists stage a cage sit in and fake liberation for the UN recognized event, World Week for Animals in Labs 2010.
A few pictures from inside occupied Campbell-Huggins Hall (tags)
Fourteen new pictures from inside the recent occupation at UCLA show student-improved admin whiteboards, etc.
Students occupy Campbell Hall at UCLA (tags)
Students have taken over Campbell Hall at UCLA in protest of police brutality and privatization.
Protest Wrap Up in LA
Big Green Weekend-11th Hour film and Green Party Workshops UCLA (tags)
Green Party Candidate Training and Strategy Sessions at UCLA, Aug. 25-26, Plus a Saturday evening event, starting with dinner at Monsoon Restaurant on the Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica, followed by a special viewing of new environmental blockbuster "The 11th Hour" with Q&A afterward.
“Equity and Justice Through Unity“ Conference on March 10-11 at UCLA (tags)
Equity and Justice Through Unity“ Conference. Collectivizing our Efforts to Attain Full Recognition for Filipino World War II veterans- will be held on March 10-11, 2007 at Kerchoff Hall, UCLA in Los Angeles, CA 90095. Gathering more momentum for the passage of the Equity Bill after the successful February 15 hearing at the US House of Representatives in Washington DC, the Filipino American community in Los Angeles led by the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and the Samahang Pilipino at UCLA will holding the conference . The Veteran, Student, and Community Educational Conference theme is "Collectivizing our efforts to attain full recognition for Filipino World War II veterans." This is to follow-up and activate more pro-active advocacy for the passage of the veterans equity bill.
JFAV-Samahang Pilipino “Equity and Justice Through Unity“ Conference on March 10-11 (tags)
“Equity and Justice Thron Full Recognition for Filipino World War II veterans- will be held on March 10-11, 2007 at Kerchoff Hall, UCLA in Los Angeles, CA 90095. Gathering more momentum for the passage of the Equity Bill after the successful February 15 hearing at the US House of Representatives in Washington DC, the Filipino American community in Los Angeles led by the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and the Samahang Pilipino at UCLA will holding the conference . The Veteran, Student, and Community Educational Conference theme is "Collectivizing our efforts to attain full recognition for Filipino World War II veterans." This is to follow-up and activate more pro-active advocacy for the passage of the veterans equity bill.
6:45pm Anti-MinuteMen protest at UCLA going on Now (tags)
Tues. 6:45pm protest going now at UCLA in front of Moore Hall
Event canceled: Minutemen At UCLA a No GO (tags)
Event canceled: Minutemen At UCLA a No GO Organizers are posting on their web site that the appearance of Mini-Man leader, Carl Braun has been canceled. This is only source and has not been confirmed by any other independent source. No reason has been given for the cancellation.
Wal-Mart Conference at UCLA June 4 (tags)
Environmental and labor leaders to address the Wal-Mart threat at free UCLA conference on June 4.
Tariq Ali at the Festival of Books at UCLA
Two Powerful, Political Book Readings at UCLA (tags)
Some great SF authors come to LA to kick it.
Genocide, Gender, Awareness, Action - Feb. 28 - Mar. 3 (tags)
Gender issues in genocide will also be discussed during this week of activities at UCLA
5/15 Socialist Pres Candidate at UCLA (tags)
On May 15, 2004 at 12 p.m., a socialist presidential candidate, Bill Van Auken, will speak at UCLA, Ackerman Student Union 308 Westwood Plaza, Room 3517, Los Angeles.
Israeli Deputy Prime Minister at UCLA Next Week (tags)
Natan Sharansky, a member of the Israeli Cabinet serving as Minister of Housing and Construction and Deputy Prime Minister, will be speaking at UCLA next week.
UCLA Activists Lose Freedom Of Speech (tags)
University or Censorship?
Marc Weisbrot speaks on Venezuela at UCLA (tags)
Marc Weisbrot speaks on Venezuela at UCLA Monday night.
Pres. Vicente Fox at UCLA tomorrow (tags)
Greet Mexican President Vicente Fox and California Governor Davis at their invite-only "town hall" at UCLA tomorrow.
Stationing of California Highway Patrol Officers at UCLA dormitories has created an inhospitable environment for students.