fix articles 39833, gun control
Lanza and Holmes Fathers Both Linked to LIBOR/FICO Scandal (tags)
The fathers of both Adam Lanza and James Holmes were both potential whistleblowers in the LIBOR/FICO scandal. Following the shootings committed by their sons, neither father will testify. This is the classic MK ULTRA scenario of mind controlled puppets distracting the public from real issues of upcoming economic collapse. The psychology of MK ULTRA is a low budget CIA tactic to disarm the people of the U.S. following controlled shootings by overmedicated individuals.
2nd Drone Survey! Answer 5 Questions! January 27, 2013 (tags)
President Barack Obama is Commander in Chief of the United States Military. The Central Intelligence Agency is NOT part of the United States Military; but, the C.I.A. is ordering the deployment of most of the missile strikes from un-manned computer controlled Drones. Therefore, under whose authority are these strikes taking place? If the United Nations investigation, which is currently going on, proves that the U.S.A. committed "war crimes", then does President Obama avoid responsibility for authorization of these drone strikes under Separation of Powers clause in the U.S. Constitution?
Orthopedic Knees for a Slightly Higher Fee (tags)
As made manifest by the medical profession, nutritionists, and the mainstream media. Note: I left the first draft of this article in my email and "cyberchondria" appeared on the news overnight
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." --Mahatma Gandhi
It’s time to confront the gun lobby (tags)
The senseless murder of 32 people at Virginia Tech underlines once again the necessity for stricter gun control laws in the United States.
For egg sucking dog liberals (tags)
Food for thought............................ Whether you agree or not, it's an interesting lesson in history. Something to think about...
40 Reasons to Support Gun Control (tags)
Gun Control gives power to mobs, criminals and governments gone bad. (tags)
From Gran'pa Jack series.
Gun Laws do Not Reduce Criminal Violence According to New Study (tags)
Fire Arms in the possession of Free Citizens are a threat to Tyrants and Criminals only. Gun Control is nothing more than a Stalking Horse for disarming the American Public to make them easier to subdue.
The Supreme Court is Repealing Democracy (tags)
The anti-anti-sodomy decision was just another sanctimonious display of destroying state sovereignty even further under the illusion of advancing individual rights. Nothing good will come of the decision...
You Won The Battle But Lost The War (tags)
Today in the United States there are people who spit on the memory of your sacrifices -- people like Sen. Charles Schumer, who successfully pushes "gun control" laws that trash the Second Amendment, and Sen. John McCain, whose infamous "campaign finance" law made free speech a federal crime for independent advocacy groups. We shrink before officials who decree that unpopular opinions are "hate speech." We endure leaders who tell us that it's wrong to hate certain groups of people, but perfectly okay for those groups to hate and malign others.
some shit on gun control
Lautenberg Gun Control Bill Compared to Nazi Policies (tags)
The right of a Free People to Keep and Bear Arms is a danger only to Tyrants. Sic Temper Tyrannis.
The Genocide Agenda-A History Of Gun Control (tags)
There's absolutely no doubt gun control laws lead to genocide, says Aaron Zelman. Zelman, Executive Director of the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO), believes that the case against gun control is self-evident.
4 Good Reasons to Preserve the 2nd Amendment (tags)
Editorial cartoon reflecting on government behavior in Philadelphia -- as well as DC, Seattle, and elsewhere -- and to remind the People of their responsibilities for measures of citizen and community self-defense.