fix articles 4005, julia butterfly
Julia Butterfly Hill and Daryl Hannah Join the South Central Farmers To Take Back the Farm (tags)
***Breaking News*** Julia Butterfly Hill and Daryl Hannah Join the South Central Farmers To Take Back the Farm Saturday, June 13, 6:00-11:30 p.m. Reunion at the Farm Update to Press Release SAVE THE FARM SAVE THE WORKERS SAVE THE NEIGHBORHOOD LOS ANGELES--On Saturday, June 13, Julia Butterfly Hill and Daryl Hannah, both luminaries in the South Central Farm encampment and environmental activists, will join the South Central Farmers and Farm supporters at a reunion and recommitment to the Farm at 41st and Alameda
It’s Time to Grow Again! Let Hemp Loose.-Production buried by past needed now in America (tags)
"Hemp is anti-microbial and highly resistant to insects. It NEVER requires the use of herbicides, pesticides or chemical fertilizers.
Hemp, unlike cotton, does not deplete the soil of nutrients. This makes it cheaper to produce, eliminates groundwater pollution due to pesticide run-off, and curtails farming community exposure to toxic and cancer-causing products.
Growing hemp reduces our dependence on petroleum products such as petrochemical fertilizers. Currently 15,000 lakes in the US are so contaminated by toxic agricultural runoff that NOTHING can live in them.
Hemp paper requires less chemical processing and can be whitened without producing dioxins. Unlike wood pulp paper, hemp does not harden, yellow, or crack with age. "......Boulder Hemp Initiative Project
SCF Farmers Market and Music Extravaganza Sunday (tags)
Julia Butterfly Hill Returns As Farmers and Supporters Maintain Vision For Saving The Farm
South Central Farm Crisis in Los Angeles (tags)
Willie Nelson, Darryl Hannah, Martin Sheen, Danny Glover, Joan Baez, Julia Butterfly-Hill support farmers in the struggle to save the nation's largest urban farm. Darryl Hannah appears on Larry King Live with Willie Nelson to show footage of eviction. Danny Glover calls eviction a Day of Mourning, a Day of Shame
Report from the Farm for the weekend June 9,10,11 (tags)
Hoy Atenco, Manana SouthCentral FArm (tags)
!Se ha visto, se ha escuchado: La Otra del Otro Lado ha despegado!!!!!
Until the Farm Is Secure (tags)
On living with Julia, John, Joan, and now Daryl
VIDEO: Julia Butterfly Hill - Tree Sit (tags)
Uploaded is video of Julia Butterfly Hill climbing up ropes to begin a permanent encampment in the trees of the South Central Farm.
Joan Baez, Julia Butterfly & John Quigley Begin Tree Sit at South Central Farm (tags)
Joan Baez, Julia Butterfly & John Quigley Begin Tree Sit at South Central Farm
Zack de La Rocha & Julia Butterfly speak at rally for South Central Farmers (tags)
An estimated 300 people demonstrated outside city hall today to appeal to the mayor and the city council to save the South Central Farm. Zack de La Rocha & Julia Butterfly were among the those that spoke out in support of the farmers.
SCFs, Zack de La Rocha, Julia Butterfly, and supporters at City Hall tomorrow 9am (tags)
SCFs, Zack de La Rocha, Julia Butterfly, and supporters at City Hall tomorrow 9am....
I've gotten into reading the particular Torah portion that coincides with the week, and found some interesting interpretations.
Julia Butterfly Hill at Worldfest 2002
Midnight decision to deport Julia Butterfly Ecuadorian Government preempts her fair trial in oil protest
Healing for Luna, Julia Butterfly, Winter Solstice, Dec. 22. Colombia drug war. (tags)
The ancient redwood tree, named Luna, where Julia Butterfly lived for over two years has been wounded. There will be a collective global healing for Luna during the Winter Solstice. Cannabis hemp saves trees! The drug war is heavily involved in the madness of planetary destruction by the corporate petrochemical-pharmaceutical complex. In Colombia the Republicrat, corporate flunkie, Clinton continues to OK damaging herbicide spraying in the name of the drug war. - a new voice for the environmental community (tags)
A point Julia Butterfly raised eloquently in her recently published book says baically that no shes not a part of any group or organization she just cares about the trees, well...
GREENS. Mendocino legalizes cannabis! Striptease To Save Trees! Luna Tree Cut! H (tags) - Urgent 11/27/00. Around Thanksgiving the tree Julia Butterfly sat in for two years is cut 50% of the way - Photos and press release. Chanting poetry which exhorted them to respect the "naked, sacred" body of the earth, Mendocino performance artist "La Tigresa" (aka Dona Nieto) performed excerpts from her one-woman show "Who Says A Stripper Can't Save The World?" before startled eyes, and halted bulldozers of a Fortuna -based logging crew. On November 7, 2000 Mendocino County voters approved a Green Party measure to legalize personal use of marijuana, a first in the United States.