fix articles 400858, tepco
The Irradiated Sailors of Fukushima (tags)
The Irradiated Sailors of Fukushima
Fukushima Cover Up Unravels (tags)
"The reason for official reluctance to admit that the earthquake did direct structural damage to reactor one is obvious. Katsunobu Onda, author of TEPCO: The Dark Empire ... who sounded the alarm about the firm in his 2007 book explains it this way: ?If TEPCO and the government of Japan admit an earthquake can do direct damage to the reactor, this raises suspicions about the safety of every reactor they run. They are using a number of antiquated reactors that have the same systematic problems, the same wear and tear on the piping."
The Shortwave Report 06/03 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- HIGHEST QUALITY BROADCAST, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Japan, Germany, Cuba, and Russia.
Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown Confirmed (tags)
nuclear disaster
Alarming New Fukushima Reports (tags)
nuclear disaster
Tepco is the End of the Market Economy (tags)
Tepco operated antiquated nuclear reactors and glossed over the hard of a meltdown. The Japanese government will probably nationalize the firm since it cannot pay a fraction of its liabilities. What lessons do we learn? Should the public sector be expanded? We are all Wisconsin
Japan's Leaking Water Radiation 100,000 Times Above Normal (tags)
nuclear disaster