fix articles 40315, devices
Hidden Radios in Home Devices (IOT)! The next Cyberthreat (tags)
Is that OnStar or OnSnitch (tags)
Will OnStar keep the police informed of your every move?
ALF Delivers Incendiary Devices to Nevada Primate Supplier (tags)
Animal Liberation Front Delivers 4 Incendiary Devices to Nevada Primate Supplier Scientific Resources International Imports, Imprisons, Sells Non-Human Primates
A very important PDF on IMPLANTS (tags)
this has it all:
Devices Enforce Cellular Silence, Sweet but Illegal and can be had for $150
A 21st-century head count (tags)
The Census Bureau prepares to conduct a decennial census like no other it has performed in its 220-year history
Illegal Surveillance of Americans (tags)
Description of technologies used to illegally surveill and manipulate
SEE THIS: Insane Treason Against the American People (tags)
Item: Secretary of the U.S. Air Force exposes himself as Nazi. Michael Wynne relative of Bush-Clinton Crime Syndicate Bagman Phil Wynne, declared yesterday as reported by the Associated Press, that non-lethal weapons such as high powered microwave devices should be used on American Citizens in Crowd Control situations before being employed on the Battlefield, the Air Force Secretary, said Tuesday.
Sheets Shoot Shots at Schnoops (tags)
Why is Minuteman Jim Chase always around when shots are fired at the border?
Your Keystrokes Sent to Homeland Security (tags)
GOVERNMENT AND COMPUTER MANUFACTURERS CAUGHT INSTALLING HARD-WIRED KEYSTROKE LOGGERS INTO ALL NEW LAPTOP COMPUTERS! Devices capture everything you ever type, then can send it via your ethernet card to the Dept. of Homeland Security without your knowledge, consent or a search warrant each time you log onto the internet! Freedom Of Information Act Requests For Explanation From DHS, refused.
9/11 "black box" cover-up at Ground Zero? (tags)
FBI has clamed not to find them, yet there is evidence they were found
More on Bulgegate: What's That Wire? (tags)
With a wire running behind his tie, a bulge on his back, and inexplicably goofy behavior at the debates, Bush has a lot of explaining to do, if only the gutless press would ask the obvious questions.
Wireless World: Wireless Bluetooth (tags)
Great story about bluetooth technology transforming the way consumers interact with their computers.
Psychops, Mind Control and the Right Wing (tags)
Liberals, whistleblowers and civil servants have been 'neutralized' by mind control techniques for decades. It is time to open this ugly can of worms.
Activists Discover GPS Trackers Hidden in Their Cars (tags)
When Nicosia brought his device to GPS Solutions, a Boulder-based software developer of high-accuracy GPS technology, chief engineer Jim Johnson confirmed their suspicion. "This is definitely a GPS board," says Johnson, referring to one of the components of the device.
Dr. Steven Greer Announces New Free Energy Device - audio and written article (tags)
Everyone should be aware of this information.
Radio frequency (RF) identification chips coming--and SOON (tags)
From the--TopangaPeaceAlliance-- listserve
Vehicle Tracking Device Detection (tags)
Spooks commonly use tracking devices installed in private vehicles to monitor travel and associations of individuals. This detailed description of vehicle tracking devices and their installation reveals just how it's done!
California Legislature Considers Electronics Recycling Fee (tags)
The California Legislature Is Considering An Electronics Recycling Fee On Purchases Of New Computer Terminals And Televisions.
Transparent sector of govt exposed May 9th at National Press Club. (tags)
A multitude of credible military, intelligence and government witnesses will speak at the National Press Club in DC on May 9th, testifying to the reality of extremely covert government research projects of advanced technologies. These technologies include devices that generate an unlimited supply of energy by tapping into an electromagnetic energy field, and anti gravitational devices. An open forum will be held on May 12th.
LAPD rumored to fry protestors and IMC camera film (tags)
The LAPD is RUMORED to have started gathering x-ray generation devices of various kinds to 'fry' individual targets video and camera film.