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Indymedia really IS financed by Communists! (tags)
In the wake of the anarcho-socialist invasion of Miami to protest the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) meetings, it is important to understand how such events are organized. Independent Media Centers (or IMC or Indymedia) are the “cyber-grapevine,” the “CNN,” and the “Clear Channel,” for just about every lunatic leftist fringe group dedicated to eliminating capitalism from the world. Indymedia is the institution developed so the anarcho-socialists can communicate with each other and coordinate their activities. In fact, no less an authority than Mother Jones magazine paid tribute to IMC in their November 17 edition, observing that, "The global antiwar protests that surprised the world on February 15 grew out of the networks built by years of globalization activism, from Indymedia to the World Social Forum.”
Making Protesters look like terrorists (tags)
“We are up against the strongest, well-trained militant revolutionary group that has ever assembled in America...They're worse than the brownshirts and the Communist element and the night riders and the vigilantes - Ohio Governor James Rhodes, speaking in Kent Ohio, May 3 1970, the day before the shootings Find out why the U.S. is starting to look more and more like the third world, and political protest is starting to look more and more like war