fix articles 40667, harrison
KPFK in fund drive, yet again , but in deeperin trouble (tags)
here is excerpt from more updated site KPFK... see lots more there re Pacifica and it's conflictual perpetual state and the dangers therein... we want some reality- radio to be heard here in LA, not just brand-image presentations... to then beg for cash.. same as the usual commercial style replicated here too.
Hindus urge City of Los Angeles to replant George Harrison Memorial Tree soon (tags)
Hindus are urging City of Los Angeles to immediately replant the similar pine tree in its Griffith Park in memory of fellow Hindu Beatle George Harrison as the original planted in 2004 reportedly died in June.
Wikileaks' Statement on Snowden's Successful Russian Asylum Bid (tags)
WikiLeaks commends Russia for accepting Snowden’s request and supporting him
Luchando por Nuestros Derechos - Tres Días de Lucha (tags)
29 y 30 de Abril, Primero de Mayo 2011
Undercover agent shot by drug suspects in Peoria (tags)
Some people say the only good pig is a dead pig. But if you ask alleged Libertarian Mike Renzulli he will say that pigs stands for Pride, Integerity and Guts! Fuck you Renzulli. Maybe you should go join the Republican Party!
10-28-06 Gandhi Peace March with Cynthia Matthews (tags)
Cynthia Matthews, Democratic candidate in California's 26th CD, walks alongside Arun Gandhi, grandson of Mahatma Gandhi in the inaugural Hollywood Parade for World Peace.
Cynthia Matthews Walks with Arun Gandhi in First Parade for Peace, Hollywood, 10-28-06 (tags)
Cynthia Matthews, candidate for Congress in California's 26th district against Republican David Dreier, walks alongside Arun Gandhi, grandson of Mahatma Gandhi in the inaugural Hollywood Parage for World Peace.
images from the 10/28/06 march and rally in Hollywood. (tags)
speakers at the rally
April 2 Rally a CSP-LAC Lancaster Prison (tags)
Five inmates are dead since Sept., others are being tortured. Warden Harrison is very certain people aren't going to drive 60 miles into the desert to stand up to this. We are hoping for mothers, grandmothers, older people but all are welcome.
Genealogists call Bush and Kerry kin. Big Isle researchers claim the president and his top opponent are distant cousins.
Giant Russian Water Air Tanker Still Ignored By US
Verdict: A music nothing called the Beatles (tags)
Appendix to previous Verdict
The Beatles started the destruction of mankind (tags)
International Verdict
george harrison died in l.a. on thursday
Rumsfeld & Tribune/LA Times History--Part I (tags)
Rumsfeld sat on Tribune media conglomerate board and Tribune's LA Times subsidiary has a history of being a pro-war propaganda instrument
FREEWORLD - a poli-sci-fi film at the Lost Film Fest (tags)
In the year 2023, America rules the continent. Few Canadians resist! Doko and Hedwing are drafted into the USNA military and forced to fight the French-Canadian resistance in search of a weird robot...