fix articles 408394, oral arguments
Hoping that A.I. will restore homeless peoples rights to sit, lie and sleep outdoors. (tags)
Anti-homeless laws including L.A. 41.18 enforcement zones act of 2021 need to be repealed.
VIDEO: "This government, using corporate media, is laying the groundwork for a murder (tags)
The new video features a shortened slide show presentation of the newly discovered crime scene photos taken by press-photographer Pedro Polakoff, as well as Pam Africa, David A. Love, Linn Washington Jr, and Dave Lindorff. Also interesting is the exchange between the Reuters journalist covering the press conference, and the panel, as he questions them about why it took so long for the photos to emerge publicly as they are now.
The Empire Tastes an Unprecedented Moral Defeat (tags)
GERARDO, Ramón, René, Fernando and Antonio are still behind bars in the United States, three of them in maximum security prisons, and all of them subjected to the hateful revenge of those in Washington who have made them the target of reprisals against the Cuban Revolution.
Mumia's Oral Arguments set for May 17 (tags)
On May 17, the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments in the case of internationally renowned black death-row journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal. The court will consider four different issues that it has already certified for appeal. It will then decide to either grant a new trial, affirm the life sentence, or re-instate the death sentence.