fix articles 408484, frustration
Fbi frustration with my success (tags)
This report reflects my longevity in battle against fbi assassins and torturers.
The Art of Misinformation and Crowd Management (tags)
In answer to growing animosity and the widely held view that the USA is a pariah among nations, compensatory responses from U.S. propagandists are becoming more frequent. The following media ‘staff report’ has been released to a number of international media outlets; India, Pakistan, Australia and Thailand to name the few. However, the ‘news’ release has received little coverage elsewhere, especially in locations familiar with U.S. double standards and hypocrisy. We refer to two Australian releases for our brief analysis.
Gen.: G.I.s who rip leaders will pay (tags)
If Morale is low casualties go up. Dispirited Soldiers, with no confidence in the Justness, or their cause are too mired in their own woes to be as vigilant as they need to be. It is also when atrocities are most likely to happen.
After all, if the Americans under the leadership of George Washington rose against British occupation, why does anyone think the Iraqis will be different?