fix articles 418204, corbett report
Why Are Linux Apps So Crappy? (tags)
I've been a linux user for 11 years now; and like many others, I've been fooled by the US Government mandated, linux-false-flag-Psyop.
"Syria's holocaust": The British media totally lose the plot (tags)
At no time in history has the perversion of the truth been so extreme. Once the NATO-led genocide on the people of Syria comes to an end, The Guardian and the entire British media establishment must be tried for crimes against humanity.
Meet Noam Chomsky, academic gatekeeper (video) (tags)
Is Noam Chomsky an anarcho-syndicalist or proponent of the Federal Reserve? A fearless political crusader or defender of the Warren Commission JFK orthodoxy? A tireless campaigner for justice or someone who doesn’t care who did 9/11? Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we examine some of the subjects that Chomsky would prefer you didn’t think about.
regime change