fix articles 41958, shalit
Israeli/Palestinian Prisoner Swap (tags)
Israel Toughening Conditions for Palestinian Detainees (tags)
Gaza Clashes: The Struggle for Palestine's Soul (tags)
Do Israel and the United States not understand this? Or maybe, like serial felons who cannot de diverted from the path of crime, they are simply incapable of changing their ways.
Palestinians train to kidnap more Israelis (tags)
Palestinians train to kidnap more Israelis Terror leader thanks world for legitimizing tactic, says abductions 'bring big results'
Racism is "the belief that one 'racial group' is inferior to another and the practices of the dominant group to maintain the inferior position of the dominated group. Often defined as a combination of power, prejudice and discrimination."
How I've come to know Gilad Shalit (tags)
Media humanize Israeli soldier, but what of Palestinians, asks Simon Black