fix articles 419598, cycles Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : cycles


The De-Generation (tags)

We live in a madhouse, a prison of insanity. The ruling elite is made up of lunatics and murderers. Only, we don't know it. Don't want to know. Everything we know is wrong. Lunatics and murderers! The lie is so huge that we believe the giant lie of the corrupt system.

Is it just me or is it getting warmer? (tags)


UFW Demands EPA Ban on Organochlorine Endosulfan (tags)

Please help support farmworkers, consumers, residents and the ecosystem all together at once by sending a letter to demand that the EPA ban the application of known toxin endosulfan organochlorine pesticide from farms.

Time Is History (tags)

People have often questioned why the Mayan calendar ends in 2012. This paper presents a possible solution to the conundrum.

Revolutionary Cycles (tags)

The history of humanity teaches that people have always resisted when the social inequality was outrageous and blatant. The increase of criminality in the South as in the North is caused by the despair of the poorest in view of worldwide injustice.

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