fix articles 42274, red states
Obama Sweeps Presidential Election (tags)
Barack Obama becomes the first black 44th U.S. President
Watch Hillary Clinton Vehemently Vow to Raise Taxes and Vote for War (tags)
A leopard doesn’t change its spots.
The First Nazi City in America (tags)
Joe Turner's fascistic anti-migrant measure has been adopted by a small town in Pennsylvania, making it, not San Bernardino, the first Nazi city in the nation
Southern Girls Convention (tags)
The Southern Girls Convention is this June 23-25 in Houston, Texas. Make sure to register, propose a workshop, sign up for the craft fair, and find out more!
The party that so gloriously brought this country the fabulous Red Scare of the 1950s, in a bit of an about-face, has now made the godly throughout America scared they are not a Red. State, that is. With this in mind, I have drafted this handy list as a quick reference to determine if you are living in one of those demon-infested Blue States, or Jesusland!
Call to Implement a Provisional Government of South Canada (tags)
Let's take our states elsewhere. The red states can have the snake they elected.
Remember the Red and Blue States (tags)
Don't cry for the passage of the democratic government. Weep for the real patriots that will be swept away to the concentration camps or whose blood will cover the streets, but above all else regardless of the outcome remember the red states.