fix articles 42278, us as
"End Times for Obama": A Dangerous Conservative Myth (tags)
Ira Chernus is Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder and author of Mythic America: Essays and American Nonviolence: The History of an Idea. He blogs at
US repeating Britain's 1920 mistakes in Iraq (tags)
'What happened in Iraq in 1920 so closely resembles the events now that only a historical ignoramus can be surprised'
The US as a Rogue State (tags)
Is the US a system of finance capital without genuine freedom? "Now and then Chomsky speaks of the US as the freest country in existence.. He seeks to inform, not convert. He looks skeptically at the media and sees in the media instruments of capital.."
"An empire that threw overboard its basic democratic values and convictions came out of a land regarded in the last centuries as the cradle of democracy..Unlike the Romans, the Americans concealed their goal of omnipo-tence behind phrases of democracy.."