fix articles 42454, commercial media
Photograper of Indymedia killed (tags)
Speaking at a public meeting of the Other Campaign in Buaiscobe, Sonora, when the news came in about Brad’s death, Zapatista Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos, upon receiving a briefing of the day’s events in Oaxaca, told the public and the press:
May 1: Zapatistas/ La Otra 2 March on US Embassy in Solidarity with Migrants (tags)
"It was there that Marcos decided to drop an information bomb on two governmental powers: the Mexican federal government and 'the Yankee Embassy' of Washington and Wall Street:
Bolivia: Chronology of an Authentic Netwar (tags)
The is a must read by all who want to change the world!
Help Protect Your Journalists at an Hour of Moral Crisis (tags)
"This is an hour of moral crisis from Bolivia to the Border. Our journalists – your journalists – at Narco News are in the line of fire. Yet they are there, at the front, with smiles on their faces and a passion for reporting the truth in their hearts. I know you agree, as we do, with the philosopher Dante Alighieri when he wrote: “The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in times of great moral crises maintain their neutrality.” Today I plead with you to not be neutral at this hour when authentic democracy and Authentic Journalism in Latin America are flexing their muscles at the very moment when the powers long accustomed to imposing their will on our América are losing their grip: No one is more dangerous than a tyrant when he realizes that the jig is up. And that makes this very hopeful moment also a precarious one."
Colombia, not Iraq, is Haunting the Empire (tags)
Publisher's Note: While the population of the United States is transfixed in front of the screen, obsessed with the "war" that Power wants them to see, that Power designed to distract them from all other realities, a long-running war continues to rage in our own hemisphere; a 50 years war: The Colombian Civil War.
Committee to Protect Journalists is a Fraud (tags)
I hope everyone reads this...
Open Letter To Committee to Protect Journalists (tags)
I write to inform you of specific acts and immediate threats against journalists in Venezuela, and to ask you 12 questions, as a journalist, about your organization's previous statements regarding press freedom issues in that country. I hope that your organization will take immediate action to defend these journalists at risk, and that you will offer full and honest answers to the 12 questions.