fix articles 437227, nick martin
Responding to Harmful Government Inaction, Protestors Stop Blasting on Coal River Mountain (tags)
Four Protestors are currently halting balsting on Coal River Mountain in Raleigh County, West Virginia. Two of the nonviolent activists are locked down to a drill rig while two others are offering direct support. This action is part of a larger campaign to end mountaintop removal in Appalachia.
Nepotism is the policy when hiring cops (tags)
Damn smart policy! Why risk hiring an outsider who could accidentally turn out to be an honest ethical cop and mess up things. But on the other hand isn’t an honest ethical cop an oxymoron? Yes Tempe should keep its current police policy of nepotism in hiring cops. Barb Carter needs someone to go to next time her son gets popped with 40 kilos of weed.
Laro Nicol's oldest son dies in motorcycle accident (tags)
Please send love and support to Laro and his family. On Friday night, Laro James Nicol was killed while riding his motorcycle. Laro James Nicol is the old son of Laro Nicol, a long-time Phoenix-area activist, who is serving a 2-year prison term.