fix articles 43993, sascha lobo
Loss of reality and bellicism (tags)
Ukraine is "worn out" here while it is supposed to fight a proxy war "until the last Ukrainian" and is equipped for this with weapons, ammunition, financial means, etc.... None of this is even remotely realistic.
The Great Barrington Declaration (tags)
The ship was saved but all the passengers drowned - a Reaganomics cartoon
Democracy - a Plea toStrengthen It and Fight for It (tags)
We as democrats must take care of democracy as a learning system. If we do not do so, democracy will wither away.
Lessons in Nazi Trivialization and Russophobia (tags)
Gabriele Krone-Schmalz warns of a relapse into simple-minded thinking and cold war stereotypes. Could not Russia be acting out of a strategic defensive and trying to maintain its sphere of influence> Who acts and who reacts?
The freedom of the Internet is inviolable. The Internet's open architecture constitutes the basic IT law of a society which communicates digitally and, consequently, of journalism. The web constitutes an infrastructure for social exchange superior to that of 20th century mass media.