fix articles 44261, infoshoppe
Student-run infoshop opens (tags)
Earlier this month, a student-run non-profit infoshop celebrated its grand opening at The Evergreen State College (TESC) in Olympia, Washington, USA. Using the guise of a state funded student group, volunteers of The Evergreen Infoshoppe were allotted over $4,000 to purchase radical books, zines, and videos for their lending library and resource center. After only a few weeks of planning, the Infoshoppe now hosts an ever-growing collection in a permanent, centrally located and nearly autonomous location.
successful benefit show for Sherman Austin / Raise the Fist & Javier Perez (tags)
Black or White: Race Workshop/Art show at Infoshoppe (tags)
What are the various forces that have worked to keep the "races" from mixing? How have "mixed" people been characterized throughout history? Can we work towards abolishing the concept of race? should we?
RTF webmaster (Sherman Austin) stopped/detained by police because of web site (tags)
Sherman Austin ( webmaster) stopped/detained by police while riding his bike....
DATE CHANGE 4 Hip Hop Benefit Concert in Long Beach! (tags)
Hip Hop benefit show in Long Beach against Police Repression! (tags)
Long Beach PIGS shut down Anarchist Benefit Show @ LB Infoshoppe (tags)
Long Beach Police continue their bullshit ..
Anarchists celebrate "Pirate Prom" in Long Beach (tags)
Save the Long Beach Community Infoshoppe (tags)
We need your help
Save the Long Beach Community Infoshoppe!!! (tags)
We need your help!