fix articles 44366, venice
Venice Flea'd Boardwalk sells commercial junk, once again, forever ? (tags)
Venice Boardwalk has a new ordinance that went into effect, was momentarily enforced by the LAPD, and has deteriorated back to what is was for too long = a junky cheap flea market, Since the very same vendors - that were made to not sell non-art which is now illegal, but they have brazenly returned ... to sell their re-sale mdse. to look-like-crafts-or-not- even-pretend-art and get away with what they did before...illegally but loopholed as long as they are not caught in the act of selling the stuff... art be damned...barely exists here. Rules and ordinances can be ignored. Bullying and being sly is what makes Venice work. How Sad, ugly, a loss for Venice.
Rosendahl’s Legacy: Gentrification and Sweeping the Homeless Out of Venice? (tags)
Allegedly Progressive and openly Gay Los Angeles City Councilman Bill Rosendahl may go down in history as the most divisive leader Venice has ever had by continuously organizing with and siding with people who hate the poor and homeless people of Venice.
Venice Homeless Sweep Stopped: A Good Day in Venice for Street People (tags)
Occupy Venice, Venice Locals, Lawyers with the National Lawyers Guild, and a group called Venice Community Unity all came together on 3rd Ave in Venice to stop a homeless sweep from happening on March 29. It was a good day.
Open Letter to Venice LAPD re commercialized clean up NEEDED still continued... (tags)
The new ordinances that prohibit the previously allowed commercial resale [flea market stuff mainly] on Venice's Ocean Front Walk were being enforced by LAPD. Apparently some slide down and out has occured turning the OFW back into what it was before the City Ordinance was legally passed. Open letter letter here was written by [more than one] citizen who also work diligently to help Clean UP [and not tear down ] Our Venice Neighborhood
Venice is changing soon to be known as Silicon Beach ... (tags)
Venice Town Hall: Silicon Beach - Thursday, April 12 come all who care about this 'town' to hear, talk, and discuss what is happening in your neighborhood or maybe just 'nearby' could happen to you too ... iNIMBY is not the same story
More War Against Venice Street People (tags)
The City of Los Angeles rolled out new Venice Boardwalk Ordinance (LAMC 42.15) and initiated concentrated effort to remove homeless people from Venice.
Who's Watching The Neighborhood Watch? (tags)
Out of control and ex-con Venice Neighborhood Watch Members Promote Fear and Hate
Venice Locals Sought For Vehicle Dweller Documentary (tags)
People living in vehicles, or have an extreme opinion about this subject are encouraged to share their views equally with Jeff Girard who is documenting the issue for a documentary. Please contact by Wednesday 11th May 2011 ie. asap!
Bill Rosendahl Helps Homeless Haters Win in Venice (tags)
Councilman Bill Rosendahl, the LAPD, the City Attorney's Office, the Department of Transportation, and LASHA hosted a town hall of hate for homeless people in Venice. Mainstream media is nothing more than a bunch of paparazzi.
Keep Venice Streets Free for All (tags)
Prevent Venice parking permit and vehicle height restrictions proposed implementation on public streets. Keep Venice free for all members of our community. Current settlement of anti-homeless group does not represent the majority of Venice. Venice is love. Love is free. Keep Venice Free.
Venice Homeless Sweeps Friday May 7 (tags)
Bill Rosendahl Connects Venice Street People To Jail
Find your own NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL (tags)
The short arms of the LA City Council are the 90 local Neighborhood Councils. Here are 2 on the westside. Find your own and get involved in any way you want. Now.
Murder by Police Car on Venice Blvd. (tags)
Devin Petelski never saw the angel of death barreling toward her in the form of an LAPD police cruiser. That's because it was driving with lights at about 60 mph.
Free Speech is a Right - Not a Lottery Prize! (tags)
FREE SPEECH IS A RIGHT NOT A LOTTERY PRIZE! Venice Beach Boardwalk Coalition (VBBC) challenges City of Los Angeles Permit/Lottery on Venice Boardwalk
California Coastal Commission Denies Overnight Permit Parking (OPDs) in Venice (tags)
Venice said NO to OPDs in the Venice Coastal Zone at the June 11 Coastal Commission Meeting and the Coastal Commissioners listened!
Venice High School Students Walk out of Class (tags)
Venice High School Students Walk out of Class, Los Angeles, May 1st, 2008
2:15 pm - May Day Actions Across City (tags)
Current reports:
TAKE BACK THE FARM Actions for this weekend June 23-25 (tags)
TAKE BACK THE FARM Actions for this weekend June 23-25
Grassroots on Fire in 36th Congressional District (tags)
In the 36th Congressional race, challenger Marcy Winograd wins the endorsement of the influential West Los Angeles Democratic Club over six-term incumbent, Jane Harman, by a nearly 3-1 margin!!!
Santa Monica Critical Mass bike ride & 1st Anniversary party (tags)
Critical Mass is a vision of a joyful, bike-friendly world replacing our polluted, congested roads. We are a protest for better cycling facilities and against car culture. We are a reclamation of our public space. We are a just merry ride through neighborhoods of Santa Monica and Venice with friends. Critical Mass is all this and more, rolled into one convenient monthly ride right after work.
Support Lincoln Place evicted tenants - Friday night (tags)
The locked-out residents of Lincoln Place Apartments in Venice to invite you to an 'Ecumenical Mass' Friday night (Dec. 9) - this will be a very moving event and your presence will really help Lincoln Place residents keep up their fight and keep the spotlight on this issue.
Photos: Tent City, Lincoln Place (tags)
VENICE - On December 7, about 50 people show up at the Tent City, Lincoln Place, for a Pot Luck in support for the evicted tenants.
Lincoln Place residents evicted with two-minutes warning (tags)
With only a two-minute warning, 52 families were put on the streets at Lincoln Place Apartments in Venice by Sheriffs and Marshals acting at the behest of corporate owner, AIMCO.
Video: Critical Mass, Santa Monica, 10-7-05 (tags)
Critical Mass Santa Monica began less than a year ago with hand full of riders and has grown to over a hundred riders in a short time.
Venice Artists About Venice (tags)
Venice Artists, present their images and experiences about Venice. Curators: Emily Winters, Janet Gervers
“Press Conference, Venice Beach-Style, on July 8 to Announce Federal Lawsuit Filed for Venice Free Speech Zone”
Last night, Board of Neighborhood Commissioners (BONC) voted unanimously to give the go ahead for the next Grass Roots Venice Neighborhood Council election, which will be held September 10 and 11th. The Board's decision came more than nine months after the last GRVNC election was invalidated by the City's Human Relations Commission, leaving the neighborhood council without a quorum, ability to function, or funding.
Arrest of man on Venice Blvd.
Santa Monica Critical Mass (tags)
The Santa Monica Critical Mass ride takes place on the 1st Friday of every month. There are three meeting points. Bicycle riders meet in Westwood and Venice Beach at 6 PM then those two groups ride to the main meeting point in Santa Monica, next to the pier, where they merge with others bicycle riders to form one group. On Friday, May 6th, 47 riders got together to ride the streets of Santa Monica and Venice.
Support Soldiers Who Oppose the Iraq War (tags)
U.S. TOUR OF DUTY PRESENTS WHEN RESISTANCE IS RIGHT Americans Support Soldiers Who Oppose the Iraq War
Two Venice Beach activists ticketed by LAPD for being in 'designated area' in Free Speech Zone on Venice Boardwalk Sunday, March 13, 2005. The 'designated area' is part of L.A. City's attempt to regulate the Free Speech Zone by use of a lottery system that is being boycotted by a group of artist-activists in Venice Beach, Los Angeles.