fix articles 446974, dodge city
GLP Mag-Lev Train and Floodwater to Drought Pipeline Alleviates Drought and Flooding (tags)
The Green Liberty Party (GLP) solution to seasonal flooding and drought concerns is to construct a pipeline that can regularly transport large amounts of water from flood prone regions to drought prone regions. This differs from current SNWA plans to drain northern Nevada's aquifers with a pipeline.
The Dominance of the Financial Sector is a Mortal Danger (tags)
"This huge wealth transfer from the `real' economy to the world of finance has also created a vicious cycle of credit dependency.."
Dodge City, Ks.: Workers won't face penalties for protests at Excel plant (tags)
Workers won't face penalties for protests at Excel plant GARANCE BURKE Associated Press Several hundred workers briefly walked off the job at a Dodge City meatpacking plant Tuesday after company officials disciplined employees for missing work to protest proposed federal immigration laws a day earlier, union leaders said.