fix articles 4480, valencia street
People marched through SF’s Mission District tonight to protest the murder of 21 year old Mayan Amilcar Perez-Lopez.
In San Francisco's Mission District, Black Bloc Breaks Windows, Fails to Have An Impact (tags)
From the new issue (#111) of Berkeley, California's 'Slingshot' newspaper.
The SF Immigrant Film Festival will be held on November 30 and December 3, at the City College of San Francisco, Mission Campus, and at Centro del Pueblo, on Valencia St.
Five years after a failure: FARE STRIKE! San Francisco 2005: First-Hand Accounts (tags)
A review of a not-too-terribly accurate account of an attempt at a mass "self-reduction" movement on a big city public transit system in the United States...and some ideas on how to avoid the mistakes we made...
The San Francisco Strike of 1934: It’s Lessons Today (tags)
The progressive sector of the US labor movement marked July 5, 1934 - a day striking labor unions called "Bloody Thursday" - a turning point in the history of working people on the West Coast. On that day, strikes, riots, tear gas and armed troops on the San Francisco waterfront 1934 strike still had an impact that is still felt to this day. "I think it is still relevant to the Bay Area," said Kevin Starr, the pre-eminent historian of California who wrote about the strike in "Endangered Dreams," a history of California in the Great Depression.
Review: 'FARE STRIKE! San Francisco 2005: First-Hand Accounts (tags)
A critical examination of the leftist recuperator's version of of a number of revolutionary extremist docs from Kevin Keating's 'Love and Treason' web page.
Space 1999: San Francisco's Mission Yuppie Eradication Project (tags)
A critical re-examination of an ultra-left effort against the gentrification of San Francisco in the late 1990's.
Full Spectrum Mercenaries: Blackwater Goes to Mexico (tags)
If and when private security contractor Blackwater USA and its heavily-armed operatives are forced to pull out of Iraq as the result of the September 16th rampage in downtown Baghdad when its employees massacred up to 28 Iraqis, Mexico could be a profitable option for the North Carolina-based company.
Once more on the failed transit system fare strike in San Francisco in 2005 (tags)
A brief re-examination of this missed opportunity in working class-based radical mass action in this part of the world...
Date Change for San Francisco Rally and March to Sunday, February 16, 2003 (tags)
The World Says No To War! If you are heading to San Francisco for the March and Rally, please read this: **Note the date change to SUNDAY, February 16 (from Saturday, February 15).** To get the latest updates on the San Francisco March, subscribe to the Bay Area United Against War listserv at Here is a pdf of the basic march and rally flier. Please let everyone know who you think is heading up for the rally.