fix articles 450044, amgl
Philippine troops, block farmers in Anti-GMA –Pro Peasant caravan in Pampanga, Central Luz (tags)
The Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesnte) -USA in solidarity with the peasant organizations in the Philippines, strongly condemns the military and police harrasment of the peasant caravan from Central Luzon in Pampanga, going to Manila in protest over the agrarian reform month in the Philippines. Media souces reported today that 500 militant farmers taking part in a Central Luzon-wide caravan against political killings and American war games were stopped on Thursday by about 200 government soldiers and residents in the Pampanga capital of San Fernando and blocked four times by policemen on their way to this ecozone and Manila. Pesante-USA vehemently protest such military harrasments that used their civilian supporters to coerce and harass peasant protesting GMA's bogus land reform and fascist attacks against the people especially the KMP and other progressive groups.