fix articles 45309, how our universities are failing america
ACTA List Breakdown By College or University--7 Schools Have Over Half The Items (tags)
ACTA's report, "Defending Civilization: How Our Universities Are Failing America, and What Can Be Done About It," pretends to present an objective picture of what is happening on America's campuses. Its evidence, which is barely mentioned, much less analyzed in the body of the report, is presented in an 117 item list in the appendix. But a single school accounted for 15 items, 3 accounted for 40 items and just 7 schools accounted for 59 items, more than half the items on the list. This hardly represents American colleges and universities as a whole. It represents extremely sloppy "research."
ACTA List Breakdown By Source of Statement or Action: Most Not Faculty (tags)
Contrary to the impression created in ACTA's report, "Defending Civilization: How Our Universities Are Failing America, and What Can Be Done About It," the majority of items cited in the list in its appendix did not involve identified faculty members.
ACTA List Breakdown By College or University (tags)
ACTA's report, "Defending Civilization: How Our Universities Are Failing America, and What Can Be Done About It," pretends to present an objective picture of what is happening on America's campuses. Its evidence, which is barely mentioned, much less analyzed in the body of the report, is presented in an 117 item list in the appendix. But a single school accounted for 15 items, 3 accounted for 40 items and just 7 schools accounted for 59 items, more than half the items on the list. This hardly represents American colleges and universities as a whole. It repreesnts extremely sloopy "research."
ACTA List Items Breakdown By Type Shows Academia Doing Its Job In A Democracy (tags)
ACTA's report, "Defending Civilization: How Our Universities Are Failing America, and What Can Be Done About It," pretends to present a picture America's campuses as the "weak link" in responding to the terrorist attacks of September 11. ACTA's attack is based on the assumption that academia's role should be that of a cheerleader. But this breakdown of the items on the list shows the vast majority of items involve just the sorts of activity that academia should be engaged in.
Picking Apart ACTA’s Report Demonizing Dissent – Part 1 of 6: Methodology (tags)
ACTA's so-called "report" on campus dissent "Defending Civilization: How Our Universities Are Failing America, and What Can Be Done About It," is actually an vicious, intellectually vacuous hit piece aimed right at the heart of academia, and the very Western values it pretends to be defending. Part 1 points out 6 obvious methodological flaws.
Picking Apart ACTA’s Report Demonizing Dissent – Part 2 of 6: 5 Deceptive Moves (tags)
Part 2 of an article dissecting ACTA's so-called "report" on campus dissent "Defending Civilization: How Our Universities Are Failing America, and What Can Be Done About It." I begin the process of dissecting the narrative argument of the report. The beginning of the report sets up the basic the framework with a set of 5 illegitimate moves. These all take place within the scope of the introductory material and the first 3 paragraphs of the “report” proper.
Picking Apart ACTA's Report Demonizing Dissent-Part 3 of 6: Deceptive Move #5 (tags)
Part 3 of an article dissecting ACTA's so-called "report" on campus dissent "Defending Civilization: How Our Universities Are Failing America, and What Can Be Done About It." I begin the process of dissecting the narrative argument of the report. The beginning of the report sets up the basic the framework with a set of 5 illegitimate moves. This part analyzes the last in detail.
Picking Apart ACTA's Report Demonizing Dissent-Part 4 of 6: "Blaiming America" (tags)
This is Part 4 of an analysis of ACTA’s so-called “report” on campus dissent "Defending Civilization: How Our Universities Are Failing America, and What Can Be Done About It.” It examines the charge that academics "BLAME AMERICA FIRST."
Picking Apart ACTA's Report Demonizing Dissent-Part 5 of 6: Destroying The West? (tags)
This is Part 5 of an analysis of ACTA’s so-called “report” on campus dissent "Defending Civilization: How Our Universities Are Failing America, and What Can Be Done About It.” It examines the question of who's destroying Western Civilization, and who's definending it.
Picking Apart ACTA's Report Demonizing Dissent - Part 6 of 6: Who's the Traitor? (tags)
This is Part 6 of an analysis of ACTA’s so-called “report” on campus dissent "Defending Civilization: How Our Universities Are Failing America, and What Can Be Done About It.” It examines the myth of "tenured radicals" and their supposedly traitorous acts.
Picking Apart ACTA's Report Demonizing Dissent - Part 6 of 6: Who's the Traitor? (tags)
This is Part 6 of an analysis of ACTA’s so-called “report” on campus dissent "Defending Civilization: How Our Universities Are Failing America, and What Can Be Done About It.” It examines the myth of "tenured radicals" and their supposedly traitorous acts.
Picking Apart ACTA's Report Demonizing Dissent - Part 6 of 6: Who's the Traitor? (tags)
This is Part 6 of an analysis of ACTA’s so-called “report” on campus dissent "Defending Civilization: How Our Universities Are Failing America, and What Can Be Done About It.” It examines the myth of "tenured radicals" and their supposedly traitorous acts.
Picking Apart ACTA’s Report Demonizing Dissent – Part 3 of 6: Deceptive Move #5 (tags)
Part 3 of an article dissecting ACTA's so-called "report" on campus dissent "Defending Civilization: How Our Universities Are Failing America, and What Can Be Done About It." I begin the process of dissecting the narrative argument of the report. The beginning of the report sets up the basic the framework with a set of 5 illegitimate moves. This part analyzes the last in detail.
Picking Apart ACTA’s Report Demonizing Dissent – Part 2 of 6: 5 Deceptive Moves (tags)
Part 2 of an article dissecting ACTA's so-called "report" on campus dissent "Defending Civilization: How Our Universities Are Failing America, and What Can Be Done About It." I begin the process of dissecting the narrative argument of the report. The beginning of the report sets up the basic the framework with a set of 5 illegitimate moves. These all take place within the scope of the introductory material and the first 3 paragraphs of the “report” proper.
Picking Apart ACTA's Report Demonizing Dissent - Part 1 of 6: Methodology (tags)
ACTA's so-called "report" on campus dissent "Defending Civilization: How Our Universities Are Failing America, and What Can Be Done About It," is actually nothing of the sort. If I'd handed in a "report" like this in high school, I would have gotten a "C" at best. In college-forget about it! Part 1 points out 6 obvious methodological flaws.
Picking Apart ACTA's Report Demonizing Dissent - Part 1 of 5: Methodology (tags)
ACTA's so-called "report" on campus dissent "Defending Civilization: How Our Universities Are Failing America, and What Can Be Done About It," is actually nothing of the sort. If I'd handed in a "report" like this in high school, I would have gotten a "C" at best. In college-forget about it! Part 1 points out 6 obvious methodological flaws.
Picking Apart ACTA's Report Demonizing Dissent - Part 1 of 5: Methodology (tags)
ACTA's so-called "report" on campus dissent "Defending Civilization: How Our Universities Are Failing America, and What Can Be Done About It," is actually nothing of the sort. If I'd handed in a "report" like this in high school, I would have gotten a "C" at best. In college-forget about it! Part 1 points out 6 obvious methodological flaws.
Lynne Cheney's Thought Police Report--The Unsanitized Version (tags)
The original version of "Defending Civilization: How Our Universities Are Failing America, and What Can Be Done About It," a report from the American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA), founded in 1995 by Lynne Cheney and Senator Joseph Lieberman. This version names names, in good ol' Joe McCarthy style. It has since been pulled from ACTA's website.