fix articles 46861, aires
1984 Hezbollah bombing in Buenos Aires leaves 85 dead at Jewish Community Center (tags)
On July 18 1994 over hungreds of kilograms were used to target bystanderrs at the Jewish Community Center in Argentina Buenos Aires a major point for immigrant jews into Argentina and within Argentina. 85 innocentsdied over 100 maimed
Libros de Julio Carreras (tags)
Julio Carreras es un periodista revolucionario argentino. Participó de las guerrillas durante los años 60-70.
State Department Debunks Iranian Latin American Terrorism Links (tags)
Communique from the Buenos Aires Support Network for Freddy, Marcelo, and Juan (tags)
We never forget our imprisoned comrades. We don?t mystify our respect for them but neither are we indifferent to their everyday experience. Solidarity is not, as has been demonstrated on several occasions, just a beautiful word or a slogan, but a practice inseparable from our struggle. This can be expressed in many diverse ways, and there are moments when an idea takes shape with forcefulness and continuity. Given the delicate situation (in court and in prison) that faces our comrades Juan Aliste Vega, Marcelo Villarroel Sep?lveda, and Freddy Fuentevilla Saa, who are currently held captive in prisons of the Chilean state, several individuals from Buenos Aires have decided to form a new support network in order to provide updates and disseminate information about their situation, as well as hopefully assisting in their return to the streets.
The U.S. Gov: giving parts of Arizona back to Mexico (tags)
A reliable informant known to us as “Duck Hunter” has told the U.S. Border Fire Report that the Mexican Drug cartels now control large areas of Southern Arizona. According to the Pinal County Sheriff large areas in Southern Arizona are very dangerous and is off limits to U.S. citizens.
Costa Rica: Popular March for Dignity in the South (tags)
Indigenous people, peasants, agri-industrial workers, and radical environmentalists all struggle in the South... the power of Capital and Government weave a complex and tragic mesh of destruction, but people still hold on to their Dignity and put on a network that articulates their struggles: An expression of this was the Popular March for Dignity in the South
Not to the evict of the Almagro`s Assembly ! (tags)
¡No al desalojo de la Asamblea de Almagro!
Political Expressions and Aesthetic Choices (tags)
Political Expressions and Aesthetic Choices Buenos Aires - Havana: Works by Atilio Pernisco and Ivan Abreu May 6 - July 1, 2006 Opening reception : May 6, 2006, 7-9 pm
Convocatoria argentina (a Uruguay y todos los pueblos de América) (tags)
Diversas organizaciones sociales argentinas, entre las que se encuentran movimientos campesinos, estudiantiles, de trabajadores ocupados y desocupados (piqueteros), centros culturales, colectivos de comunicación, asambleas vecinales han lanzado una convocatoria al diálogo entre los pueblos de América, para unirse contra el saqueo y la contaminación del modelo extractivo de los recursos naturales, que consienten los gobernantes.
2 Indymedia journalists detained in Argentina Nov. 4 (tags)
Urgent: two journalists detained in the repression by the police in Mar del Plata The Alternative Media Network of Buenos Aires, Argentina November 4th, 2005
Rebuild the IV° International! (tags)
TROTSKYIST FRACTION INTERNATIONAL STRATEGY. To the organizations of the Movement for the Refoundation of the Fourth International:
Reminder! This Tuesday, lecture at CSULA. "Secret Identities: Negritude in Argentina& (tags)
Most think of Argentina in the 19th century as a predominantly "white" cultural space. A new book investigates the hidden roots of Argentine culture.
"Secret Identities" (lecture at CSULA on the black roots of Agentine culture) (tags)
Most think of Argentina in the 19th century as a predominantly "white" cultural space. A new book investigates the hidden roots of Argentine culture.
Radio Libre Antagonista (tags)
Transmitiendo desde Buenos Aires para toda la galaxia
Pagina de la asamblea anfiteatro la floresta desde Buenos Aires Argentina.
Mass eviction in Argentina
Bush vs. Einstein on Economic Policy (tags)
Mayhem in Buenos Aires again
Thuggery by Partido Obrero of Argentina (tags)
Official statement on the detention of one of Democracia Obrera’s (Workers Democracy’s) national leaders that was given to the police by leaders of the Workers Party, after their thugs treated him to a beating with sticks during a demonstration.
Facists take power in Argentina (tags)
Right wing Peronists have taken advantage of the riots and come to power in Argentina.
solidarity action in buenos aires
Buenos Aires against the IMF (tags)
More than 600 students and left-wing organizations marched all around the city of buenos aires in support of Prague demonstrations