fix articles 470602, cingular wireless
The High Price of Cell Phones (tags)
Cell Phone technology has gone mainstream recently. Almost everyone, it seems, has a cell phone or similar device. The advantages of having this technology are readily available and promoted in the advertising for these products, but what about the drawbacks and dangers? This paper will shine some light on the dark side of widespread cell phone use, including possible radiation exposure and brain injury risk, increased risks of vehicle accidents, the disruptions caused by ringing phones and those who talk on them in inappropriate places, the financial costs of monthly fees and surcharges for services, the high turnover rate of phones resulting in large amounts of e-waste, hand muscle strains from using tiny keyboards, and the reduction of face-to-face personal contact.
Cat N Fiddle and The Upper Caste Snobs Are Ready To Rumble with MOBILE AUDIT (tags)
A time to point at those pointing there noses in the air. Do you too get tired of economic warfare? We are losing and I am ready to form our political party with a military wing so that I can fly out of this pen, planet W earth and their prison state of the USA and their dominion, those who have invaded and taken the Americas from Americans. Read of Mobile Audit Club's latest adventure and take note. DO NOT THREATEN US OR MESS WITH US. SAUSALITO IS OURS.
Wireless World: Wireless Bluetooth (tags)
Great story about bluetooth technology transforming the way consumers interact with their computers.
Wireless World: Cell phone '411' worries (tags)
Wireless World: Troubling gaps in 'e-911' (tags)
This is an expose of the problems of 911 on mobile phones.