fix articles 473700, bus stops
Global Satanic Government (The CIA) Stages AL CIADA Terror Attack in Pakistan (tags)
The Global Apostates of Hell (The CIA) have, in an attempt to give credibility to their FAKE BIN LADEN KILLING, Killed at least 80 People in Pakistan via a Post FAKE BIN LADEN KILLING Staged AL CIADA (The CIA Duh) Terrorist Attack in Pakistan.
CIA's Post 9-11 War on Islam Intensifies with Fake Bin Laden Killing (tags)
Since the Global Satanic Government (The CIA) Faked their Post 9-11 Killing of A FORMER CIA ASSET BIN LADEN (Bin Laden died of Kidney Failure in 2001) The Satanist Without Borders of Langley, Virginia (The CIA) have been busy putting Out Fake Bin Laden and AL CIADA (The CIA Duh) Videos in order to Intensify The CIA's Post 9-11 War on Islam, Post 9-11 USSA Police State, and Post 9-11 Global Austerity Programs.