fix articles 47895, cowardice
Palparan's vow to attack unarmed and vulnerable targets is cowardice -- NDF-Southern Minda (tags)
The EPCC news learned today through media sources that the NDF-Mindanao condemns the butcher general Jovito Palparan, Jr. had pronounced last year that he will bring his anti-communism crusade in Davao City especially during the election period. Now with only a month to go before the reactionary GRP election kicks off, expect Palparan's open and dirty war against progressive party-lists, individuals, groups and their supporters to be unleashed.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." --Mahatma Gandhi
nations to shun peace
You Support Bush's Wars? Enlist NOW ! (tags)
That each and every Republican flag-waving Christian male 18 to 39 could enlist in the Army at will says it all. Others which may be older could enlist in the numerous corporate security firms, like Blackwater,
Their fear is my weapon; their screams are my reward. (tags)
The sky is blue the grass is green now get off your ass and join the Marines! -- Hondo