fix articles 48061, inmate
Sheriff Mark Lamb policing for $$$ DOLLARS $$$ at Pinal County Jail (tags)
Torturing Chelsea Manning in Prison (tags)
police state
Lynne Stewart
Solitary Confinement on Trial --An interview with law professor Angela A. Allen-Bell (tags)
On the eve of Tuesday's Senate hearing on solitary confinement, we interview Angela A. Allen-Bell, a law professor at Southern University in Baton Rouge. The newly released issue of the Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly features an article by Prof. Bell entitled "Perception Profiling & Prolonged Solitary Confinement Viewed Through the Lens of the Angola 3 Case: When Prison Officials Become Judges, Judges Become Visually Challenged and Justice Become Legally Blind.”
gulag conditions
California Prison Erupts, Rapper "x-Rated" nearly killed during riot. (tags)
On March 19th 2010, a riot erupted on the Pleasant Valley State Prison yard between Northern Hispanic Inmates and Blacks. Notorious rapper Anerae, "X-Rated" Brown (Sacramento, CA) airlifted to hospital while nearly dying as result of his injuries
Steve Murphy Update - Your Support Still Needed! (tags)
Ways you can help and email list problems...
Visiting A Modern Day Slave Plantation --An Interview With Nancy A. Heitzeg (tags)
My interest in Angola is as both a paradigm of the Southern transformation of plantations into prisons and as a prototype for what we now call the prison industrial complex. Many old plantations in the South became prisons after the Civil War. Angela Y. Davis traces the initial rise of the penitentiary system to the abolition of slavery, writing: “in the immediate aftermath of slavery, the southern states hastened to develop a criminal justice system that could legally restrict the possibilities of freedom for the newly released slaves.”
Southern Injustice: Herman Wallace of the Angola 3 (tags)
Convicted of murder in a deeply flawed trial, Herman Wallace has spent nearly 37 years in solitary confinement. Will new evidence finally lead to his release?
Comments from an Inmate (tags)
He says it's all nonsense. I won't tell the state he's in because my correspondents tend to suffer retribution for their letters.
Cancerfornia is a personal testimony, editorial, and letter all in one. It is in regard to the abuses and crimes being committed inside of our prison system, and my own personal solution for what must be done.
Obama proving no different from Bush
Save the life of Reginald Blanton (tags)
Petition to save the life of Reginald Blanton, sentenced to death in Texas due to racial prejudice
FBI, California Attorney General Investigating Orange County Sheriff’s Dept. (tags)
The investigations are expected to not only look into the death of John Derek Chamberlain and determine if his civil rights were violated but is expected to probe much deeper into the over all possible misconduct of the Sheriff’s dept in general.
Useful contacts for Jail Solidarity (tags)
Here is some information for those providing support to the farmers and their families in the event of forced evictions:
Sept 7 Public Hearing Expands Ad Seg Torture, the power of a crowd is needed (tags)
California Dept of Corrections (& rehab - what a joke) has called a public hearing to expand the minimum time in the hole without a review hearing from 30 days to 90 days for some infractions, as long as six months MINIMUM for others. This punishes the mentally ill and children as there are no phone calls and getting visits is very hard while in cruel isolation, no canteen, no personal property in the 4' x 4' box,
South Bay bomb-anthrax plot unravels (tags)
Interesting what does and doesn't appear in the "mainstream" news, isn't it??