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The War, Prisons, and the Economy (tags)
As the wars drag on with no end in sight, new technology is enabling more of our wounded troops to survive, and naturally, survival comes with added cost. From WWII to the present, survival rates rose from 1 dead for every 2.4 wounded to 1 dead to 8.3 wounded at present. In that time, an outfit cost went from $170 to $17,000 now. Future systems are expected to reach $28,000 to $60,000 in this decade. Every life is indeed precious, regardless of the price, but let us look at what makes up the cost of each system. Ever since, President Eisenhower coined the term Military Industrial Complex, most of us are aware of the huge profits war can provide for the weapon makers. How many of you are aware of the Prison Industrial Complex, (PIC)? Do you know the two complexes have now joined together to share in the rich profit bonanza?