fix articles 48769, pacific coast highway
Retenes del Año Nuevo / New Year's Checkpoints (28/dec-1/jan) (tags)
¡Tomen toda precaución!
Be very careful!
Retenes 4 de julio 2011 / July 4 weekend checkpoints (tags)
Cada 4 de julio, cuando el gringo celebra su conquista de estas tierras, tambi?n tiene su manera de recordarnos quien no somos "americanos": pobres, migrantes, latinxs, afroamericanxs, descapacitadxs, j?venes, la comunidad LGBT. Una de sus t?cticas es el ret?n, una violaci?n del derecho individual, y que tiene como finalidad el objetivo de encajarle a uno en una categor?a. Sigamos resistiendo.
Every July 4, the descendents of the settlers who appropriated these lands and the oppressed they have assimilated celebrate that conquest. They always seem to set up checkpoints around this time, too, as if to remind us who is not "American": the poor, the migrant, the latino/a, the African-American, the disabled, the young, the LGBT community. This violation of basic dignity, like all forms of conquest, is an attempt to place people into a category and, if possible, commodify them. Keep up the resistance.
Found this:
The Automobile Club of Southern California also is offering its free "Tipsy Tow" service from 6 p.m. Saturday to 11:59 p.m. Monday. People who have been drinking can get a free one-way tow and ride home for up to 7 miles by calling 800-400-4AAA.
Memorial Day weekend checkpoints / Retenes del fin de semana del Día Memorial (28-31/may/2 (tags)
Memorial Day weekend checkpoints / Retenes del fin de semana del Día Memorial (28-31/may/2010)
OJO: Ésta no es una lista comprensiva. Siempre hay más retenes que los que se anuncian. Es importante siempre tener mucho cuidado al salir manejando, especialmente las noches de fines de semana festivos. Si usted mira un retén, favor de hacer saber a su organización comunitaria y a los miembros de su comunidad. Si le sea posible, un plantón a una cuadra del retén es muy eficaz para avisar a los conductores sin licencia. Se recomienda que no salga a protestar o a avisar a solas sino en grupo, y que se equipen con cámaras para documentar cualquier abuso que ocurra. También es importante respetar las leyes que prohiben bloquear las aceras o pisar en la calle. Si tienen un organismo comunitario, muchas veces, se lo puede utilizar para exigir cambios de política a nivel municipal. Mientras tanto, ¡sigamos fuerte en resistencia!
CAUTION: This is not a comprehensive list. There are always more checkpoints than are announced. It is important to always take great care when driving, especially at night on holiday weekends. If you see a checkpoint, please alert your local community organization and the members of your community. If possible, a standing protest a block ahead of the checkpoint is very effective for alerting unlicensed drivers. It is not recommended to do this alone--a group is preferable, and equipment such as cameras is important to document any abuses that may occur. It is also important to respect the laws prohibiting blocking the sidewalk and standing in the street. If there is a community entity in your area, it can often be used to demand policy changes at the local level. Meanwhile, let's keep up the resistance!
San Patrick's Day Weekend Checkpoints / Retenes del fin de semana de San Patricio (12-19/m (tags)
E-mail with questions, comments, or to volunteer.
Mande correo electrónico a con preguntas, comentarios, o para prestarse como voluntario/a.
Checkpoints este fin de semana / Retenes this weekend (11-13/feb/2010) (tags)
Como siempre, Checkpoint response les trae anuncios de los retenes reportados por la prensa corporativa. ¡Pónganse truchos! Siempre hay más retenes de los que se anuncian, aunque por ley nos tienen que avisar. (Se sabe que a la autoridad no le importa la ley. ¡Sólo les importa joder!) Si ven un retén o cualquier abuso de parte de la policía, por favor, ¡avísenles a lxs de tu comunidad!
Like always, Checkpoint reponse brings you announcements of the checkpoints reported via the corporate press. Be wise! There are always more checkpoints than the ones that are announced, even though by law they are supposed to warn us. (We know that authority doesn't care about the law. All they care about is messing with us!) If you see a checkpoint or any other police abuse, please alert the members of your community!
Let Malibu Burn: A political history of the Fire Coast Mike Davis (tags)
Fire in Malibu has a relentless, staccato rhythm. The rugged coastline is scourged by a large fire, on average, every two and a half years, and at least once a decade a blaze in the chaparral grows into a terrifying firestorm consuming hundreds of homes in an inexorable march across the mountains to the sea. In one week last month, 10 homes and 14,000 acres of brush went up in smoke.
Supporters of "Everyman's" Beach Club to Rally on Sand Against Neighbor Lawsuit (tags)
Wealthy neigbors have filed a lawsuit to try to stop Santa Monica from opening a public beach club near two exclusive private clubs. Outraged community members have organized a rally on the sand in Santa Monica Environmental, beach access and historic preservation groups have come out in support of the project and the public's right to use the beach and public coastal property.
Troqueros Huelga – Truckers Strike (tags)
Uploaded is an interview with Ernesto Nevarez, a community member helped to rally community support for the Troqueros and their strike.
"TAX us? Then MARRY us!" 33 Cities Join Tax Day Protests for Equal Marriage Righ (tags)
33 cities will be demonstrating for equal marriage rights at post offices around the country on Tax Day, Thursday, April 15th. The protests will highlight the fact that marriage is a civil contract issued by the government which should be available to all consenting adults.
"Kucitizens" Take Their Message to the Freeway Overpasses (tags)
In Los Angeles and accross the Nation, many tens-of-thousands of people saw Kucinich banners hanging on overpasses and in public places on Saturday February 7th. Kucinich volunteers took to the overpasses and other public places to get out Kucinich's message. When asked about reasons they are out on the street supporting Kucinich, volunteers refer to Kucinich's plan to get out of Iraq in 90 days, support of single-payer health care and spending more money on domestic needs rather than on military along with other important issues.
Greet Governor "Ahh-nold" Schwarzenegger in Huntington Beach this Friday night! (tags)
Vons Strike Continues -- Pacific Coast Highway (tags)
On January 16, employees on strike from Vons and Ralphs were picketing in front of the Vons on Pacific Coast Highway in Pacific Palisades.
Be sure to check out all the photos from this story! They are posted on
Weekly Protests Continue in Orange County (tags)
Public protests continued yesterday in Laguna Beach, with concurrent demonstrations against both the Drug War and the impending intensification of US violence against Iraq. Each of the two groups gathered at Main Beach in Laguna, standing along Pacific Coast Highway holding signs and handing out leaflets to passersby. While public response to the anti-war demo was mixed (at best), there was a surprising level of support for the Drug War protesters. Drivers and their passengers were honking, waving and cheering. Folks seemed particularly enthusiastic about one sign which read, “Re-Legalize Marijuana.”
POWER - People Opposing War, Empires & Rulers