fix articles 49086, viral load
As a journalist who writes about AIDS, I am endlessly amazed by the difference between the public and the private face of HIV; between what the public is told and what’s explained in the medical literature.
Orphans on Trial. Pediatric AIDS Drugs Forced Into State Wards and Orphans - Money for Big Drug Companies equals Big Loss for Kids. This was broken through Indymedia, and is now finally entering the mainstream.
Surgery for Children Who Refuse Drugs in Clinical Trials. (tags)
Orphans on Trial. Pediatric AIDS Drugs Forced Into State Wards and Orphans - Money for Big Companies equals Big Loss for Kids. This was broken through Indymedia, and is now finally entering the mainstream.
The New Religion: "Science" ("HIV" and other such nonsense...) ***WARNING: sense of humor required!!*** Check out this letter I wrote to
HIV/AIDS and virgin coconut oil (tags)
coconut oil contains lauric fatty acid, which is anti-viral