fix articles 49468, lasky
Call for support by Anarchists Against the Wall (tags)
URGENT CALL FOR DONATIONS ---------------------------------------- *** PLEASE DISSEMINATE WIDELY ***
Julie Lasky, I.D. Magazine interview (tags)
Julie Lasky is the editor-in-chief of I.D. Magazine. Julie Lasky was previously the editor of Interiors and the managing editor at PRINT. She is the recipient of a Columbia University National Arts Journalism Program fellowship; a Richard J. Margolis Award for journalism; and was a Journalism Scholar in 1995 at Northwestern University. Lasky's essays and book reviews have appeared in numerous publications, including the New York Times, The American Scholar and Forward.
srael Tunes Out: Denies entrance to piano tuner from California (tags)
Paul Larudee, PHd, a piano tuner from California, was denied entry to Israel based on his political support for Palestinian liberation.