fix articles 49615, employee
Dying to work at amazon (tags)
The human cost of obscene profits
Evidence on the corruption of law & society by fbi (tags)
See additional evidence in support of my paper entitled “Corruption of Law & Society".
fbi are experts at *Gaslighting (tags)*7LwxgM6YAK8/20120509mafia.jpg
Garda Security Employees at Bowie, MD SPEAK OUT Against Garda Cash Logistics (tags)
The purpose of this letter is to bring to light serious violations of ethical standards, company policies, DOT regulations and State law that have been committed by the Garda security management at the Bowie, MD Branch.
THE ELI GEMINI SHOW - The City of Denton continues Constitutional & civil rights violation (tags)
THE ELI GEMINI SHOW - The City of Denton continues Constitutional & civil rights violations
Kinda, Sort of Maybe Police Corruption (tags)
Cops don't give each other tickets because they consider being able to break the law kind of an employee discount.
In the spring of 2011 a Bureau Of Land Management rangeland supervisor working for the Prineville Oregon BLM was caught red-handed subleasing his own cattle grazing permits issued for federal land allotments on Rudio Mountain. This BLM employee was breaking the law and BLM is keeping this confidential to protect themselves. The guilty BLM employee lives nearby. He is well known as an avid mustang hater. In his opinion cattle should not have to compete with mustangs on federal grazing allotments. He would like to see all mustangs hauled to slaughterhouses. This guy provided input and was one of the preparers for BLM's new management guidelines for Central Oregon federal lands titled "John Day Basin Resource Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement". The record of decision for this new management plan is due out in the near future. Then one late summer morning a band of mustangs were resting on a high plateau in a remote place on Rudio Mountain overlooking the John Day River. Suddenly the sound of rifle shots exploded across the high mountain meadow. The proud black stallion ran frantically to get his herd onto their feet and they ran for their lives across the plateau some falling to the ground and thrashing with death throws as the bullets ripped into them taking them down one by one. The first mustang to topple was only a baby not more than 6 weeks old. During the following days the smell of blood and rotting flesh attracted scavengers and birds of prey that fed upon the bodies of the murdered mustangs. It was during this time that hikers visiting this remote part of Rudio Mountain came across what has been dubbed (THE RUDIO MOUNTAIN MUSTANG MASSACRE.) The band of mustangs were killed smack dab in the middle of a remote section of federal land managed by the BLM as a cattle grazing allotment and to add insult to injury the cattle grazing allotment where the mustangs were murdered was being utilized by none other than our notorious untrustworthy BLM employee.
Labor's Last Stand in 2011? (tags)
The stage is set, and the main actors in Congress and in the corporate establishment are ready to perform, having rehearsed behind closed doors for the coming assault on organized labor's most powerful sector, public workers. The final preparations were smoothed out in Obama's tax "compromise" with the Republicans, which gave details of the drama's first act. The tax plan purposely did not include a critical element for state funding, called the Build America Bonds program (BAB), which allows recession-sunk states to easily borrow money from the federal government. In the face of enormous deficits, the states would be left to drown. Reuters blogger James Pethokoukis explains:
Chaldler police cheif gets slap on the wrist for having sex at work (tags)
Hmmm... The assistant police chief has sex with his girlfriend in motels while he is supposed to be working. And he doesn't get fired for it! I guess when your being paid $146,071 a year in tax dollars there is nothing you can do wrong.
An employee of the bank that burned speaks out here -- a different perspective from what's pedaled by the capitalist media apparatus. PLEASE SPREAD THIS FAR AND WIDE...
BTL:Key Provision of Employee Free Choice Act in Jeopardy (tags)
BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine
The Case for Arbitration in Labor Law Reform and The Employee Free Choice Act EFCA (tags)
Labor law reform must ensure that workers who want to join a union are able to do so without facing endless delays from corporations seeking to deny them a voice in the workplace.
Senators Either You Stand with Working People, or YOU stand with Greedy CEOs on EFCA (tags)
Big banks and greedy corporations got our country into this mess," "Now they want to fire or harass employees who want to join a union." Senators Lincoln, Webb, Specter, Vitter, Pryor Either You Stand with Working People, or YOU stand with Greedy CEOs on The Employee Free Choice Act EFCA. Which Is It?
Employee Free Choice Act - Specter to labor: You'll like how I'll vote on EFCA (tags)
Employee Free Choice Senator Specter Told a Crowd at a EFCA Rally "I believe you'll be satisfied with my vote on this EFCA issue," Specter said
Join us for the Employee Free Choice Act Big March on Senator Feinstein's L.A. Office (tags)
We need to tell Dianne Feinstein that working families need a real shot at bargaining for better wages that will help lift themselves out of this recession. She needs to support the Employee Free Choice Act.
Newt Gingrich Threatens Employee Free Choice EFCA BLOGGER on Twitter abuse (tags)
Newt Gingrich and Saul Anuzis allege @EFCANOW has committed Twitter fraud, and are complaining to Twitter about the users on the site and demanding a response--or else.
Biden Hopes Specter Backs Employee Free Choice Compromise (tags)
Vice President Joe Biden said Wednesday he believes Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter would have "an open mind" on voting for a bill that makes it easier to form unions if a compromise emerges.
Open Letter to All Republican Senators on a Possible Employee Free Choice Act Compromise (tags)
By using my dual-purpose membership card as a universal card instead of using the current language under the present S.560 bill, there is no question anymore as to whether or not the Employee Free Choice Act 2009 eliminates “Secret Ballot” elections. Under my proposal it would not.
Harvard Law School Professor Employee Free Choice Compromise Don't Work! (tags)
Professor Benjamin Sachs Harvard Law School on the Employee Free Choice Act: To address the labor-business impasse, I suggest two alternatives to card check and for changing the Employee Free Choice Act.
Employee Free Choice Act: Open Letter to All Senators on EFCA Compromise (tags)
Employee Free Choice Act EFCA: write your Letters to Your Senators and Congressmen and tell them we need to pass the Employee Free Choice Act EFCA NOW!
The Fight Continues For The Employee Free Choice Act EFCA and The Truth! (tags)
Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) today repeated his intent on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” to block a Senate vote on the Employee Free Choice Act, despite his past support of the bill. The bill hasn’t changed—so why has Specter flipped?
EFCA Employee Free Choice NO Surrender NO Retreat! (tags)
Sen. Specter, Feinstein, Lincoln Now Opens The Door for The Employee Free Choice EFCA Labor Reform Compromise Bills
Sen. Blanche Lincoln announces opposition to Employee Free Choice Act EFCA. (tags)
Employee Free Choice EFCA: "I cannot support that bill. I cannot support it in its current form," Lincoln told those gathered for the luncheon at the governor's mansion. "I may not have said that as clearly before, but I'm saying it now."
Bail Out People, Not Banks: Protesters Picket Bank of America Downtown Corporate Building (tags)
LOS ANGELES, April 3, 2009 – Demonstrators staged a protest outside Bank of America’s downtown office building on Friday calling for an end to bank bailouts and foreclosures and evictions.
Stewart Acuff, special assistant to AFL-CIO President John Sweeney touts EFCA (tags)
Employee Free Choice Act: Acuff told his Denver audience that he believes the legislation will come before Congress in seven to eight weeks and that he is hopeful Senate Democrats will be able to round up 60 votes.
EFCA Civil Rights Leaders Urge Passage of Employee Free Choice (tags)
EFCA: Today, on the eve of the anniversary of King’s assassination, national civil rights leaders called for passage of the Employee Free Choice Act
EFCA: Joe the MORON Plumber on the Employee Free Choice Act (tags)
EFCA: April Fool’s Joe the Plumber Hasn’t Read Employee Free Choice Act Bill
White CEO of Republican Think Tank Refuses to Let Black Subordinate Run for Lt. Governor o (tags)
Here's the actual e-mail from Joseph Bast, the CEO of a Republican think tank in Chicago, the Heartland Institute, in which he explains why he has stopped his employee, the former Mayor of Maywood, Ill., an all-black suburb, from running for Lieutenant Governor. This was sent to other Republican insiders yesterday morning. Note the hypocrisy -- Conner ran for Cook County Assessor in 2006 and netted 250,000 votes. He was an employee of Heartland then too. Guess these low-lifes at Heartland don't want a black man to be one of the leaders of the Illinois GOP. Subject: RE: Ralph Conner for Lt. Governor of Illinois -- Let Freedom Ring Date: 3/27/2009 11:19:58 A.M. Central Daylight Time From:
Joe The Plumber The Newest Member of The Employee Free Choice Act Union Busting Club (tags)
Joe The Plumber The One Man Band Enlisted To Campaign Against Employee Free Choice Act
EFCA Specter Announcement Opens Door to Debate and Possible Compromise ? (tags)
Employee Free Choice Act: The Wall Street Journal has reported a top official in organized labor acknowledged that some changes to controversial legislation that would make it easier for unions to organize might be needed in order to attract more support from lawmakers.
EFCA Senator Specter A victim of FEAR, Intimidation and Coercion Tactics (tags)
Employee Free Choice Act: Senator Specter is No Different than a Worker Faced with an Employer Union Busting FEAR, Intimidation and Coercion Campaign.
Reality Check for Employee Free Choice Act Supporters -- Specter to Oppose Act (tags)
Arlen Specter tells business group head that he will oppose Employee Free Choice Act.
Employee Free Choice Act Compromise No Compromise at All (tags)
Employee Free Choice Act ( EFCA) The Real Truth is Employers Don't want a Compromise they Just WantTo STEP on Workers RIGHTS - NO Compromise on the Employee Free Choice Act!
EFCA: BIG BUSINESS Talks Compromise after WSJ reports EFCA Doesn't Remove "Secret Ba (tags)
Employee Free Choice Act: "We have had conversations with like-minded companies and are open to exploring alternative solutions to the legislation as it is currently written," Starbucks spokeswoman Deb Trevino said.
Employee Free Choice Act: "Reconciliation" is One way to Bypass Filibuster Rule (tags)
The "reconciliation" process which allows measures to pass the Senate on simple majority votes is nothing new. The legislative tactic is being considered to push through President Obama's global warming and health care programs, and perhaps his proposals to raise taxes on the wealthy.
Employee Free Choice Act: The Biggest Anti-Union Busting Campaign in History (tags)
Powerful Corporate Front Groups such as the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace will continue to use Union - Busting tactics such as FEAR,Intimidation,Coercion, Misinformation,Out Right Lies and Scare Tactics against any senator who is in favor of the Employee Free Choice Act
The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace BUSTED Talking out of Two Sides of Their Mouth (tags)
Coalition for a Democratic Workplace Calls on Senator Lincoln and Senator Nelson to Clarify Their Positions on The Employee Free Choice Act EFCA.
Call Sen. Feinstein to Demand Support of Employee Free Choice Act (tags)
Democratic Senators Dianne Feinstein(Cal), Harry Reid (NV), Ben Nelson (NEB), Mark Pryor and Blanche Lincoln (both Arkansas), Mary Landrieu (Louisiana) and Mark Udall (Colorado) are working hard to help the Republicans defeat the labor legislation, the Employee Free Choice Act. Call 1-866-207-2060 to be connected to your Senator free of charge to tell them that to oppose the EFCA as it is now is to be anti-labor, which means they are running for immediate retirement. California ZIP codes will be connected to Sen. Feinstein's office.
Employee Free Choice Act: The Truth About EFCA (tags)
Employee Free Choice Act: Leading members of the U.S. Senate and House introduced legislation that would help enable workers to bargain for better wages, benefits, and working conditions by restoring their rights to form unions. The legislation is Known as the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA). The Information provided on our websites provides insight to the Lies being told by such groups as the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace, Navigators Global, Chamber Of Commerce and Associated Builders and Contractors(ABC).
Employee Free Choice Act: Union Organizer Dir. Available For Comment or Debate on the EFCA (tags)
Union Organizer Director / Union Busting Expert with over 30 Years Experience is Available to Comment or Debate opposing opposition on the merits, Facts and Truth of WHY we need the Employee Free Choice Act
U.S. Senate and House Introduce Employee Free Choice Act ( EFCA ). SPFPA at the Forefront (tags)
Today is one of those defining moments in history as we introduce legislation that puts power back into the hands of the people who are truly the backbone of this economy.
Employee Free Choice Act: New Website Reveals The Truth About EFCA (tags)
"This new website www.TheTruthAboutEFCA.Org is an important tool in keeping the public informed and getting them involved in the political process so they can voice their support for this legislation." stated Steve Maritas, Organizing Director for the International Union, Security, Police and Fire Professionals of America (SPFPA) www.SPFPA.ORG
Employee Free Choice Act: The Rats are Coming Out of The Woodwork (tags)
Labor Relations Institute Offers $10,000 Reward Exposing a key flaw of the Employee Free Choice Act
Exposing Groups Like Save our Secret Ballot and The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace (tags)
Why does Corporate Front Groups like Save our Secret Ballot and The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace continue to Spread Disinformation and Lies?
Why do These Senators DeMint-Enzi and Bob Corker Continue to Spread Lies about The EFCA? (tags)
What is the Strategy being used by Senators DeMint-Enzi and Bob Corker from Tennessee, in their attempt to defeat the Employee Free Choice Act? Keep Spreading LIES about the Employee Free Choice Act and Supporting The Secret Ballot Protection Act ( Better Known as The Employer FEAR and Intimidation Act )
Why do These Senators DeMint-Enzi and Bob Corker Continue to Spread Lies about The EFCA? (tags)
What is the Strategy being used by Senators DeMint-Enzi and Bob Corker from Tennessee, in their attempt to defeat the Employee Free Choice Act? Keep Spreading LIES about the Employee Free Choice Act and Supporting The Secret Ballot Protection Act ( Better Known as The Employer FEAR and Intimidation Act )
Who is really behind The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace EFCA FEAR campaign ? (tags)
Union busting is a field populated by bullies and built on deceit. A campaign against a union is an assault on individuals and a war on truth. As such, it is a war without honor. The only way to bust a union is to lie, distort, manipulate, threaten, and always, always attack. Martin Jay Levitt, 1993, Confessions of a Union Buster Employee Free Choice Act Now .Org
The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace Newest PR Lie about The Employee Free Choice Act (tags)
BEWARE OF UNION-BUSTING LIES about The Employee Free Choice Act by The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace and the Alliance for Worker Freedom (AWF)
Senate voted 80-17 to confirm Hilda Solis as President Obama's Secretary of Labor (tags)
Hilda Solis Confirmed YES! The Department of Management Will Now Be Known as the Department of The Workers Rights!
Tomorrow the Senate takes its first vote to confirm Hilda Solis as our Secretary of Labor (tags)
Take Action Now! Contact Your Senators Tell Them to Confirm Solis as our next Secretary of Labor
Employee Free Choice Act: The Enemies of Unions and The Lies They Tell (tags)
Corporate leaders see the proposed Employee Free Choice Act as a grave threat--and they'll say and do just about anything to prevent its passage.
Just SAY NO to the Employee Free Choice Act - Why? (tags)
One Reason is that The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace, Employee Freedom Action Committee, Chamber of Commerce, Alliance For Worker Freedom, Workforce Fairness Institute, Americans For Job Security, Save Our Secret Ballot, Union Busting Consultants, and other Corporate Front Groups all want you to.
Burger King Now Joins the Employee Free Choice Act Union Busting Club as SEIU Protests (tags)
SEIU Protests Downtown Burger Kings, Demands Chain Stop Lobbying Against Employee Free Choice Act by Jason Pramas (Staff), Feb-20-09 Downtown Crossing Labor
The Newest Union-Busters opposing the Employee Free Choice Act (tags)
Today House Majority Leader Adam Hasner (R) and Sen. Garrett Richter (R) become the Newest Union-Busters opposing the Employee Free Choice Act
Corporate Front Group gives “Defense of the American Worker” awards to Anti-Worker - Legis (tags)
EXPOSED: Senator Richard Burr and U.S. Representative Howard Coble below have among the worst records in Congress on workers’ rights. How Dare they accept an award t on “Defense of the American Worker”.
Exposing Employee Free Choice Act Front Groups Like The Coalition for a Democratic Workpla (tags)
Who are these Front Groups Against The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) ?
WHY does The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace ( My Private Ballot ) (tags)
and TV Star Johnny Sacks from the Sopranos continue to Spread LIES and misinformation about the Employee Free Choice Act?
Asbestos Violations – Every Worker Counts, and It’s About Time! (tags)
A new Federal OSHA rule embodies the spirit of the new Obama administration which we hope will return OSHA to a focus on protecting the health and safety of workers.
Hundreds March for Employee Free Chocie (tags)
This SEIU focused video shows some of the march. Please note that some 40 unions marched to raise awareness of Employee Free Choice.
New Poll by The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace is Nothing but a Big SCAM (tags)
New Poll: Obama Voters Reject Big Labor's Card Check Agenda - PR Newswire (press release),From the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace NY - 15 minutes ago - 81% of Obama voters believe that Congress should focus on other issues like jobs and health care before dealing with EFCA. 68% of Obama voters believe the ...
The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace Continues to Spread More Lies about the EFCA (tags)
The 500-member Coalition for a Democratic Workplace (CDW) today released a letter it delivered to every member of the 111th Congress.
Obama Issues Pro-Labor Executive Orders (tags)
In what may be considered a gift to organized labor, President Obama issued a series of Executive Orders on Friday aimed at undoing Bush-era policies involving federal contractors. Issuing executive orders is a quick way to implement labor policy - and appease unions - without enduring the time and uncertainty inherent in the legislative process. Moreover, reversing the prior administration's executive orders has become a tradition whenever a new party takes over the White House.
Coalition for a Democratic Workplace Exposed (tags)
You'd think a group called the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace (CDW) would be dedicated to promoting the needs and desires of America's workers.
What's the Real Secret that big-business, SIG don't want you to know about the EFCA? (tags)
The Employee Free Choice Act does not eliminate the secret ballot.
Bailout Beggars Funding Anti-Worker Scum (tags)
Huffpo scooped this one. Bailout recipients were organizing to attack the Employee Free Choice Act.
Home Depot, Bank of America Executives Caught on Tape trying to Defeat the EFCA (tags)
Bank of America, Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus, Rick Berman founder of Union Facts EXPOSED ON TAPE trying to Defeat The Employee Free Choice Act.
Reid: Vote on Employee Free Choice Act card check bill, a labor priority, likely in summer (tags)
Washington — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said the Senate will likely turn its attention this summer to the Employee Free Choice Act — the union organizing bill being watched in Las Vegas and across the nation.
Beware of opponents of the Employee Free Choice Act Union Busting Tactics and Lies (tags)
In recent weeks, you may have seen ads on TV or news releases or letters to the editor in your local newspaper bashing “big labor” and the Employee Free Choice Act.
Unions grew under card check, and shrank under secret ballots.
Are you allowed to take guns on light rail?
Amending The Employee Free Choice Act. A Compromise Every Union Can Live With. (tags)
The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) is legislation in the United States which aims to "amend the National Labor Relations Act to establish an efficient system to enable employees to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to provide for mandatory injunctions for unfair labor practices during organizing efforts, and for other purposes.
Workers Understand Democracy, Say Pass Employee Free Choice Act (tags)
Almost eight in 10 Americans support legislation that would make it easier for workers to join or organize labor unions, according to a new national survey from Peter D. Hart and Associates released this week.
Starbucks plans to settle another labor complaint one more reason why we need the EFCA NOW (tags)
Starbucks has reached a settlement in principle over a Michigan barista whom the National Labor Relations Board said was fired in June because of his union activities. " By Poster: This is One More Reason WHY WE NEED THE EMPLOYEE FREE CHOICE ACT NOW!"
Employee Free Choice Act NOW! (tags)
The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) is legislation in the United States which aims to "amend the National Labor Relations Act to establish an efficient system to enable employees to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to provide for mandatory injunctions for unfair labor practices during organizing efforts, and for other purposes."Under current labor law.
Gov. Schwarzenneger declares war on California workers (tags)
California's Gov. Schwarzenegger has launched a full-scale attack on state workers. Two public employee unions are suing California’s Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to stop a scheme imposing two unpaid days off per month as a cost-cutting measure. (Associated Press, Dec. 22, 2008) The state government is slashing health services and education programs. Under Schwarzenegger’s plan, University of California, California State University and state community colleges will be forced to lay off workers and make other employees accept unpaid furlough days. (Los Angeles Times, Dec. 20, 2008)
The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) NOW (tags)
The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) is legislation in the United States which aims to "amend the National Labor Relations Act to establish an efficient system to enable employees to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to provide for mandatory injunctions for unfair labor practices during organizing efforts, and for other purposes.
Fight Over Baldwin Hills Oilfield (tags)
The two-square-mile Baldwin Hills Oil Field is the last large-scale undeveloped open space in South and West Los Angeles. The Oil Field has operated since 1924 and had almost played out. Now, Plains Exploration and Production Company (PXP) wants to drill up to 1,000 new wells.
Billionaire Nicholas' attorneys ask court to dismiss case (tags)
Nicholas has been charged separately with using and distributing illegal drugs. He has pleaded not guilty. That trial is scheduled to occur after completion of the criminal backdating case, which is scheduled to begin in April 2009. Nicholas has pleaded not guilty in all of the criminal cases
Application of Islamic Shari'a in US Courts (tags)
In 2004 a crash of Blackwater Flight 61 occurred in the rugged mountains of central Afghanistan, killing three soldiers and three-man crew. The widows of the soldiers sued Presidential Airways, Blackwater’s sister company, which was under contract with the U.S. military to fly cargo and personnel around Afghanistan. Lawyers for the company has asked a federal court to decide the case using provisions from the Islamic Shari’a, not the U.S. laws. They argue that the Shari’a “does not hold a company responsible for the actions of employees performed within the course of their work.”
take abuses to the labor department
Ron Paul and the Employer/Employee Relationship (tags)
Ron Paul's Blimp is Flying High — How About His Reputation Among Working People?
Feinstein & 8 Other Democrats Join Repubs to Approve Anti-Labor, Racist, Anti-Gay Judge (tags)
Senator Dianne Feinstein has sunk to a new low in joining with Ben Nelson of Nebraska; Daniel Akaka of Hawaii; Robert Byrd of West Virginia; Tim Johnson of South Dakota; both Arkansas Senators, Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor; and both North Dakota Senators, Kent Conrad and Byron Dorgan and 49 Republicans in approving racist, anti-labor, anti-gay Leslie Southwick as Justice in the US 5th Court of Appeals, which includes Texas, Louisiana and Missississippi.
House Passes Employee Free Choice Act (tags)
After more than five hours of historic debate, the House of Representatives passed the most important labor law reform legislation in 70 years.
IWW Victory for Taxi Drivers at LA Airport (tags)
By Ernesto Nevarez, Port of Aztlan, - Turning the Tide: Journal of Anti-Racist Action, Research & Education, Volume 19 Number 4, July-August 2006
On the encounter among the abandonments, truthful history.
Vista City Council Votes to Regulate Day laborers (tags)
Vista votes to regulate day labor employers
Maryland forces Wal-Mart to pay for employee health care -- Will California be next? (tags)
The Maryland General Assembly became the first state legislature in the nation Thursday to approve legislation forcing Wal-Mart (WMT) to pay more for its employee health care, potentially paving the way for other states to follow suit.
Fascist Dictatorship is Here Already--On the Job (tags)
The firing of Boeing’s CEO, based upon the secret monitoring of his email correspondent with a co-worker/lover, highlights the police-state environment in which most of us now work. Revolution, anyone?
Self-determination means market determination.. Flexibility has nothing to do with individual sovereignty. Rather it means being completely delivered up to external demands. The flexibility of the person is nothing but the dictation of the market.
"What we need to do is to help in the cause of, ah, downfall of California" (tags)
..."Wow,'' says another employee, "f--k 'em, right!"...
With Wallmart Rejected???? (tags)
The best thing to ever happen to a city is to have Wall Mart rejected.
Iranian Intel Officer warned FBI of Al Queda attacks in April of 2001.
California workers hold the line on health care (tags)
Somehow surviving on $20 per day strike pay, the United Food and Commercial Workers continue to maintain a picket line outside Vons and Albertsons grocery stores in Southern California. Seventy thousand workers are on strike against Safeway/Vons in Southern California -- and locked out by Albertsons and Kroger/Ralphs. Despite a 91% profit growth over the last five years, the grocery chain owners are demanding wholesale cuts in employee health care benefits. Workers from seven locals voted over 90% to reject the offer by three of the largest supermarket operators in the country, Vons (Safeway-owned), Ralphs (Kroger-owned) and Albertsons and set up picket lines October 11, 2003. See
Protest Against Racist Attacks In Workplace (tags)
A protest is being organized against racist attacks on workers in San Francisco. There is a national epidemic of racist incidents in the workplace.
Eliminating the right to overtime pay! (tags)
More Bushit Plans to Screw Us All!
One of the browbeaten peasants, afraid of incurring the wrath of the bandits, made this case against fighting back: He said, in essence: The bandits don't take all our corn; they don’t steal all our chickens; they still leave us a little, enough to live on. It’s better to suffer the abuse than die.
Los Angeles based, Computer Forensics International exposes weak links to help businesses stay in business.
United airlines is 55% employee owned and has a strong union. This is why it is under assault. What can we do to save it?
Confirmed Anthrax in NYC (tags)
What a strange story??? She is said to have cutaneous anthrax, not related to the wierd letter she got in the mail. If they were not testing for anthrax they have found it? How much does this climnate of fear feed our findings? Are any of these anthrax findings really significant? All cases thus far are at 'news' agencies. Recently Amy Goodman did a report on the US giving anthrax to Iraq once in the hope it would be used against Iran. The plot thickens . . . but doesn't set.
Trickle-Down Patriotism-Nationalism-Capitalism (tags)
Corporations get billions for "Bailouts", Employee's get pink slips..... USA trickle down theory-practice in capitalist stock market. A PEACEFUL WORLDWIDE PROTEST AGAINST WAR - WAR is TERROISM! Sell Your Corporate Stock for PEACE! SUFFER THROUGH PEACE - NOT WAR!