fix articles 503689, lincoln bedroom
Below is a transcript of the "special service" held last night at the Screaming Glory Tabernacle in Bedlam Junction, Pennsylvnia.
Hillary: Democrats' Death Wish (tags)
Hillary Clinton probably has the power, money and organizational clout to win the Democratic nomination for President, but she cannot win the general election. The combination of her conservative principles — including her support for an ongoing U.S. military presence in Iraq — and her radical reputaton will alienate both moderates and progressives and drive white working-class voters back to the Republicans.
Rush's drug use has Palm Beach in tizzy (tags)
One waitress said of Rush; "I wouldn't say much to him if he came in now," she said. "But I'd serve him... Then I'd go out there and ask him about what he said about finding the ones doing drugs and locking them up forever."