fix articles 50871, union democratica
Honduras Coup update January 2015 (tags)
Honduras Coup update January 2015 Starting yet another year with killing, shootings, a disappearance, threats and judicial processes against those who protest, with ever deepening militarisation using military police, and ever graver privatisation, using model cities amongst other laws.
Honduran coup has been far from bloodless (tags)
"Women protesters can face worse. On Aug. 14, a young mother was grabbed by police while participating nonviolently in a large protest. They separated her from male detainees and drove her out of town, where four officers of the National Police raped her and then raped her again with a baton. Rapes while in custody, assassinations and disappearances that are terrorizing Hondurans remain largely unreported in the U.S. press. On July 11, for example, Roger Ivan Bados, a longtime trade unionist and activist in the opposition party Union Democrática, was forcibly removed from his home and killed. Others who participate in demonstrations or other activities have been kidnapped, then found dead."
Carta del comisario a la señora Maigret y a Jacques Chirac (tags)
El comisario Maigret explica a su esposa y a Jacques Chirac, respectivamente, su orgullo ante la capacidad de autocrítica que acaba de descubrir en la misma y su rechazo a los excesos de manipulación mediática cometidos por las derechas post-modernas.