fix articles 512079, say goodbye
Look for me in Rainbows (tags)
A Saturday Night
Look for me in Rainbows (tags)
Margret Christine Okeke (age 70) ........Rest in Peace!....we will remember you forever. Loving mother of 5 children, wife, neighbor and friend. We miss you!
Remembrance Day 2013: Celebrating 12th anniversary of Britain’s endless warfare (tags)
For the past 12 years, the British public has been constantly subjected to an intense war propaganda justifying Britain’s genocidal wars across Asia and Africa. Despite the absence of any real anti-war movement, the public exasparation with endless warfare became apparent in September with the Government's failure to obtain the necessary support to launch war on Syria. Held two months later, this year’s Remembrance Day events were by far the most elaborate. Apart from the habitual propaganda and fundraising for the Army, overt efforts to pressurise British Muslims into manifesting support for British imperialism and militarism were particularly sinister.
The USA PATRIOT Act: Redefining American Principles (tags)
What is the USA PATRIOT Act doing to our country? It is obvious that the Democratically lead Congress will not stop the Administration. It is time for the citizens of the United States of America to start fighting for what is rightfully theirs: their freedom.
Say Goodbye to the Family Farm (tags)
Panel discussion featuring farmers Percy Schmeiser, John Kinsman and Bill Christison and Farmer-to-Farmer Campaign attorney Bill Wenzel on the ongoing economic and ecological crises facing U.S. and Canadian farmers, and the ways in which genetic engineering may deal the death blow to the family farm. They also discuss the heavy-handed tactics of multinational corporations seeking absolute control over the food supply and the farmers that create it.