fix articles 5133, war listserv
1/17 Palestine Watch:Latest News from Israel Invasion of Gaza, Over 1,200 Killed (tags)
The death toll from the now more than three weeks of assault stands at 1,199 Palestinians killed, including more than 400 children according to UN and Palestinian medical sources....
1/14: Palestine Watch:Latest News/Videos from Israeli Invasion & Killings in Gaza (tags)
The Israeli army continued its offensive against the Gaza Strip for the seventeenth day on Monday, killed twenty-six Palestinians, including 23 civilians, and wounded dozens of residents. At least 917 Palestinians were killed and more than 4260 were injured since the army initiated its attack....
1/12 Palestine Watch:War and Natural Gas-Israeli Invasion & Gaza's Offshore Gas Fields (tags)
Here's another critical information the reason behind Israeli invasion of Gaza, has been motivated by the Gaza's offshore oilfield. Major oil companies like: BP and CCC are involved....
1/10 Palestine Watch: People worldwide protest against Israel+Videos (tags)
The prolonged Israeli war and killing against Gaza has triggered continued anti-Israeli demonstrations across the globe....
1/9 Palestine Watch: U.S. covertly shipping arms to Israel (tags)
The U.S. is seeking to hire a merchant ship to deliver hundreds of tons of arms to Israel from Greece later this month, tender documents seen by Reuters show....
1/9: Palestine Watch: Israeli War on Gaza Continues Despite UN Truce Call (tags)
Latest Updates from Israel Invade Gaza: Israeli War and Massacre on Gaza Continues Despite UN Truce Call, Senate Pass Pro-Israel Legislation!
1/3 Palestine Watch URGENT ALERT! Israel Begin Invade Gaza! TAKE ACTION! (tags)
We encourages you to go to the street, hold emergency protest against Israeli Invasion and Massacre!
1/1 Palestine: Cynthia McKinney-We Lived to Tell the Story: Lebanon Rescued Us (tags)
Former Rep. Cynthia McKinney says the aid ship she was on was rammed by an Israeli warship, an allegation Israel denies....
Palestine Watch:1/2-1/3 Weekend of Worldwide Protests Against Israeli Attacks on Gaza! (tags)
Over 60 protest at coming weekend across U.S. and Europe!
12/30: Latest Lists of Protest Worldwide Against Israeli Attacks on Gaza! (tags)
Over 60 protests will be schedule at the U.S. and the World on Tuesday December 30 and the following week!
12/1 Lee Siu Hin: What We Should Expect from President Barak Obama? (tags)
If history can teach us something, the election of Obama and Clinton has many similarities: after the initial excitement we might experience the same disappointment and disillusion like Clinton-era--and even the possibility of Republicans can capitalize the public disappointment to regain the control of Congress at the future elections.....
5/7:Massive Chinese American Rally to Support Beijing Olympics, Against US Lies on Tibet (tags)
I know many of them are organized by ordinary Chinese students and workers (which had been completely marginalized by so-called progressive movement for over century--with over 80 such protests had been organized globally over past month, with over hundred thousands participated--it's certainly one of the biggest mobilization in the U.S so far this year (bigger then the 3/19 5th anniversary antiwar protest) and globally.
3/19 Lee Siu Hin: 5 Years of U.S. Invasion At Iraq/What's Going On In Tibet? (tags)
I still clearly remember on the evening of Tuesday March 18th, 2003 (Iraq time morning of March 19th)....
Iraq 3rd Anniversary Call to Action! End The War in Iraq! Bring Troop Beck Home Now! (tags)
Call to Action! 3 Years Too Many! End To The War in Iraq Bring The Troops Home Now!
2/23 Iraq Watch: Newly Released Abu Ghraib Torture Photos & Videos, Take Action! (tags)
Newly Released Abu Ghraib Torture Photos and Videos Confirm Need for Independent Counsel, And Criminal Charges Against U.S. Officials!
11/23 Alert! Crawford Anti-War Protesters Arrested Near Bush's Ranch! (tags)
Please call Crawford Police Department: (254) 486-2678 Demand Their Release peace Activists ASAP! and Stop harassing them!
2,000 Deaths Too Many! Community actions at the Day U.S. 2,000 Deaths in Iraq! (tags)
Call to Action: 2,000 Deaths Too Many! Community actions at the Day After U.S. 2,000 Deaths in Iraq!
10/19 Americas Watch Haiti: Continue Oppression and Killings in Haiti+Video! (tags)
On Friday, September 23, 2005, the Director General of the Haiti National Police Leon Charles, UN Force Commander Lieutanant General Augusto Heleno Ribiero Pereira of Brazil, and the Special Representative of the United Nations Juan Valdes of Chile were convicted of violations of Haitian law and international law including crimes against humanity. This verdict was delivered by the jury of the First Session of the International Tribunal on Haiti. The Tribunal was held in Washington, DC at George Washington University at the Elliott School of International Affairs.
9/7: Today, U.S. Reach 1,000 Military Deaths in Iraq! (tags)
By: Iraq Watch - Peace No War Network September 7, 2004
9/5 Iraq: More dead in Iraq clashes (tags)
By: Iraq Watch - Peace No War Network September 5, 2004 URL:
5/3: Recent Photos Shows U.S. Military Brutality in Iraq from Peace No War (tags)
Please Visits:
3/2: Urgents from Haiti: Aristide's Safety in Danger! Upcoming Terror in Haiti! (tags)
From: Americas Watch - Peace No War Network URL: For the complete story: Americas/News/March 2 04--Haiti.htm
12/23: Latest News from IRAQ - by PeaceNoWar (tags)
Peace No War Network Web: [To join the listserv, send e-mail to:]
Americas Watch: 10/19 Urgent Actions on Colombia, Mexico and USA (tags)
Americas Watch: Urgent Actions on Colombia, Mexico and USA An occasional news series from Web: October 19, 2003 What happened in Bolivia truly shows the power of people's movement, the struggles against American empire and U.S.-supported semi-colonial puppet regime. However, let's don't forget there's still have many struggles lie ahead on Mexico, Colombia and of course, in the United States. Lee Siu Hin
Pax ptir bello/peace is more powerful than war (tags)
Report from Baghdad from Beirut Indymedia
"Report From Baghdad" Part Five--U.S. Military in Iraq (tags)
This is a part five of the six-part series "Report form Baghdad" by Pacifica Radio KPFK Los Angeles Reporter Lee Siu Hin's July 2003 trip to U.S. occupied Iraq, to commemorate 6-months commemoration of U.S. invasion of Iraq (Sep 20), and to understand the future of Iraq. To view the entire series, please visit:
"Report From Baghdad" Part Four--Women in Iraq (tags)
This is a part four of the six-part series "Report form Baghdad" by Pacifica Radio KPFK Los Angeles Reporter Lee Siu Hin's July 2003 trip to U.S. occupied Iraq, to commemorate 6-months commemoration of U.S. invasion of Iraq (Sep 20), and to understand the future of Iraq. To view the entire series, please visit:
"Report From Baghdad" Part Three--Life in Iraq (tags)
This is a part three of the six-part series "Report form Baghdad" by Pacifica Radio KPFK Los Angeles Reporter Lee Siu Hin's July 2003 trip to U.S. occupied Iraq, to commemorate 6-months commemoration of U.S. invasion of Iraq (Sep 20), and to understand the future of Iraq. To view the entire series, please visit:
"Report From Baghdad" Part Two--Security (tags)
This is a part two of the six-part series "Report form Baghdad" by Pacifica Radio KPFK Los Angeles Reporter Lee Siu Hin's July 2003 trip to U.S. occupied Iraq, to commemorate 6-months commemoration of U.S. invaison of Iraq (Sep 20), and to understand the future of Iraq. To view the entire series, please visit:
6/20 Opening Ceremory for LA Peace And Social Justice Convergence (tags)
When: Friday, June 20, 8:00 - 10:00 PM Where: Arts in Action, 1919 W. 7th Street 4th floor, Los Angeles For More Info: (213)413-1778, e-mail: Web:
ActionLA Los Angeles Peace and Social Justice Convergence (6/20-7/5) (tags)
ActionLA Peace and Social Justice Convergence June 20 - July 5 2003 Los Angeles Web: Tel: (213)413-1778 PJ Fest is the project of ActionLA Web: 6/20 (Fri) 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM, Arts in Action: Opening Ceremony for the Peace and Social Justice Convergence in Arts in Actions, music, community dialogue!!
4/10: Iraq - Liberation of Occupation? (tags)
**US Occupied Iraq** Is This What Our Future? Think Locally, Act Globally! No Blood for Oil! No Colonization of Iraq No Immigrant Bashing! Health Care Not Warfare! Books Not Bombs! Schools Not Tanks! From: PeaceNoWar For Latest Information, Please check URL:
April 4: Latest News from Iraq (tags)
By: URL: ***Latest Estimated Iraqi Civilian Causalities: 547-733 people (According from Also, check:
1/18: Latest News from Iraq and Antiwar Movements (tags)
By: URL: **For more protest infromation across the US and the World, please check our Protest Calendar URL:
1/17: Latest News From Iraq, Detained Immigrants and antiwar info this weekend (tags)
By: PeaceNoWar URL: 1) Iraq 2) January 18-19, 2003 Anti-War Protest Across the World! 3) January 16: INS Orders Men from five more nations to register in U.S.
12/30: AmericasWatch - Looking Back 2002 to Look Forward 2003 (tags)
Occational News Services from URL: **2002 PeaceNoWar/ActionLA Suggests Holiday Reading/Film/Music Lists URL:
12/10 News From Iraq: International HR Day Americans Tells Bush--No War in Iraq! (tags)
PeaceNoWar News Service Iraq News Summary: December 10, from Goshen, Ind., grannies collecting relief kits to a "die-in" on an Ivy League campus, Americans took to the streets Tuesday in mostly small, low-key events to protest a possible war on Iraq. More than 100 people were arrested...
Nov 18 02 PeaceNoWar: Latest News from Irarq, Palestine, SOA Protest... (tags)
UN Backed to Iraq, US Want to War with Iraq Israeli Force Again Assult Palestine! School of Americas Protest-Ft Benning , GA Big Brother is Watching Everyone
11/10 PeaceNoWar: US Dollars Yielded Unanimous UN Vote Against Iraq (tags)
From: US Dollars Yielded Unanimous UN Vote Against Iraq, Another $756,070,983 Spanding Spree by US DoD Last Week!!
Nov 5: News Upates from Palestine-Amnesty International Accues Israel (tags)
Amnesty International Accues Israel "War Crime" From: The full Amnesty report is available online at:!Open
Oct 3: Latest News From Columbia--More US Military Aids, Special Forces to Columbia (tags)
By: 1) More US Military Aid Released to Colombia (Center for Defense Information, USA) 2) US Forces to Train Colombia Army (Assoicated Press)
Oc 4: Latest News From Iraq--US Hijack UN Resolutions? More US Air Attacks, More Dirty Sec (tags)
By: At the recent report done by the congressional budget office (CBO) in Washington DC., CBO estimates that the incremental costs of deploying a force to the Persian Gulf would be between $9 billion and $13 billion. Prosecuting a war would cost between $6 billion and $9 billion a month-although how long such a war may last cannot be estimated. After hostilities end, the costs to return U.S. forces to their home bases would range between $5 billion and $7 billion, CBO estimates.
June 24: Updates from Palestine (tags)
1) Palestinians, Israelis, Arabs and Jews’ Reactions to Bush’s Speech (Palestine Chronicle) 2) Israeli Helicopter Missiles Kill Six Palestinians, Wound 13 in Rafah (Palestine Chronicle)
May 12: News from Palestine, Cuba!! (tags)
**Think Locally, Act Globally! **Courage to Stop War, and Love your neighbour
May 9: Latest News from Palestine, Nepal (tags)
**Think Locally, Act Globally! **Courage to Stop War, and Love your neighbour By:
April 30: Latest News from Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan & Indonesia (tags)
Stop Israel Aggressions in Palestine! No US Invasions Against Iraq! By:
April 25 Updates on Palestine From (tags)
Images from Jenin News Summary From IMC-PALESTINE:April 25: Latest News from Palestine
April 16 02--Latest News from Palestine--Jenin camp 'horrific beyond belief' (tags)
**For all the news, please check: **also, please visit Palestine IMC:
**For all the news, please check: **also, please visit Palestine IMC:
April 16 02--Latest News from Palestine, Life and Dead in Jenin (tags)
**For all the news, please check: **also, please visit Palestine IMC:
April 10: Latest News from Palestine-over 100 reported had been killed in Jenin! (tags)
**For all the news, please check: **also, please visit Palestine IMC: Alert! Over Hundred People Reported had been Killed in Jenin
April 9: Latest News from Palestine (tags)
**For complete coverage, please visit: **also, please visit Palestine IMC: