fix articles 53028, pacific lumber company
GLP 2012 Presidential Campaign; No Corporate Lobbyist Funding Allowed! (tags)
Green Liberty Party is a fusion party between the Greens and the Libertarians that provides an alternative to the current status quo of Republicans and Democrats that are both heavily under the infuence of corporate lobbyists. To alleviate the corporate lobbyist dependency the GLP will not accept any campaign contributions larger than 10.00 from any anonymous individuals, and no money from corporations or professional lobbyist groups.
Mendo Redwoods Corp plan for PL bankruptcy (tags)
Three chances for the public to voice their ideas, ask questions and present alternatives to the Mendocino Redwoods corporation's plans for logging on (Maxxam)/Pacific Lumber land following the PL bankruptcy..
FBI Raids John Doolittle, Investigates Abramoff Lobbyist Scandal (tags)
Would like to remind the FBI agents investigating John Doolittle's involvement with lobbyist Jack Abramoff to remember Doolittle's interference with FDIC regulators who attempted to investigate C. Hurwitz's role in the Texas S&L collapse!!
Crucial That Progressives Recall Gray Davis (tags)
We must send the message to all current and future governors… Behave like Davis and your political career is over. His taking of over a million dollars each from the timber, prison and power industries, and then allowing rampant logging, building more prisons while cutting all other budgets, and only pretending to complain while behind his back allowing energy companies to complete the biggest corporate rip off in California history, means Davis must go.
Maxxam/PL security guard Security Guard Cited for Assault on Freshwater Tree Sitter (tags)
On Saturday, March 1, 2003 at 12:30 p.m. in Freshwater, CA, a security guard employed by Pacific Lumber slashed a tree sitter’s hand while attempting to cut his climbing rope.
700 Acres Old-Growth Redwood Approved for Imminent Cut! Come to Base Camp/Send $ (tags)
The federal and state government are at this moment releasing a letter to Pacific Lumber Company (PALCO) of Humboldt County, California that allows them to begin cutting seven hundred acres of the largest unprotected redwoods in the world. Called the E stands, these are the best unprotected trees of the 211,000 acres PALCO owns, the creme de la creme: trees 15' in diameter, some over 2000 years old, some groves perfect, unentered, no stumps - the forest primeval.
Letter to John Campbell of Pacific Lumber Company/Maxxam (tags)
To follow up on our October 27, 2000 letter we are reiterating that Maxxam/Pacific Lumber Company must surely be aware that operating on such controversial plans as THP 1-99-475 is more than likely to result in public protest including non-violent direct action on site.