fix articles 53207, cannot be Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : cannot be

cannot be

[Info] Beware of Ingmar Eckhard! (tags)

This is a contribution about Helles Sachsen under real names known as Ingmar Eckhard. A few things about him need to be clarified. If not known, it would be better to pay attention to him. Under certain circumstances, it could endanger other people.

Housing as Infrastructure (tags)

Housing as a human right is sometimes superseded by the right of speculation. Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (a Federal program), non-profit or cooperative housing and SROs (single room occupancy) are solutions to the housing crisis.

Trump is More than "Silly Tricks" (tags)

Trump will run the US as a big business is run. Trump did not come out of nowhere. Trumpism is an expression of a reactionary revolt of those angry because they were politically stripped of power. Trump turns reality upside down.

Fear is used to control the people (tags)

My conclusions after 30 years of assaults by fbi and their operatives followThe:

On the End of Capitalism (tags)

The bridge from capitalism to the new "post-growth economy" is lacking. Hardly anyone reflects about the process of transformation...If the climate should be spared, flying cannot be a human right. The R-word will be unavoidable again: renunciation.

Tao Te Ching (tags)

The Tao Te Ching translation is by Derek Lin has survived millennia... it is the way of water

Uncovering the Fracture of the System (tags)

Uncovering the fracture and the dislocations of this system, proposing changes and actively interfering is the optimistic side. The collective repression of problems is carried out to a spectacular extent. The welfare state and democracy cannot be separated.

Blog Entry The enlightened man cannot be enslaved (tags)

The Rebel challenges us to be courageous enough to take responsibility for who we are and to live our truth.


A necessary reading.

The Crisis in the Crisis or How Sick is the System (tags)

Crisis is a synonym for experiences of difference. It changes something. Afterwards nothing will be as in the past. Until recently the "manager" and "business" were models for all areas of life. Do private vices always become public virtues?

Ideas cannot be killed. (tags)

More than 600,000 people have lost their lives in Iraq and more than 2 million have been forced to emigrate since the American invasion began...

Virginia Tech: Laying The Blame (tags)

There will be a lot of blame dished out in the aftermath of the Virginia Tech massacre. But one element will be missing and that is the system itself. Capitalism and the society it nurtures will remain unscathed in the big business press.

Viva La Chance! (tags)

The solution to the problem cannot be curfews and terar gas.. Profit and power are set above social peace. Who is really responsible when the villa surrounded by barbed wire is charred one morning?

Uniting the Liberals, Lefties, and Progressives (tags)

Ever since the classic revolutions that begun the current epoch of ‘democracy’, and more importantly capitalism, there have remained an inherent disunity among those loosely defined as progressives. Why this lack of unity exists, and why our political opponents do not seem to suffer from the same ailment is something worth examining.

Speech to the War-Weary Nation (tags)

Bush conceded in his speech hat America's words cannot be trusted when he admitted mistakes in the justification of war.. The US itself created the terror problem that it pretends to combat.

Hysteria on 'crystal meth' prove full of holes and obvious attack on gains (tags)

A batch of apparently unheard-of articles demystify and debunk addiction hysteria (i.e. drug addiction). With the 'crystal meth' hysteria hurdling virtually unchallenged in many alternative communities of late, these should prove crucial!

Beyond Hollywood: War Weariness in the US (tags)

Hollywood scenes cannot be set up in Iraqi reality.. The question is only whether this government will ever be sovereign to make and enforce sovereign decisions. Its sovereignty is now limited to supporting the occupation.

Solidarity with the Rebels of France (tags)

The o.r.g.a.n.i.c. collective wishes to extend our feelings of solidarity to the rebels of the migrant communities of France. It is clear to us that the recent uprising which has spread across the country is a reaction against years of bitter racism that has ruined countless lives as well as a reaction against racist immigration policies based on that racism.

Shareholder Value (tags)

Since unemployment has reached an unparalleled dimension under the combination of increased productivity, global wage dumping, weakened unions and non-existent system competition, I prefer a radical redistribution of work and income.

Overcoming the Deficit (tags)

The deficit can only be lowered by devaluing the dollar at least 20 to 30 percent.. In 1963 the deficit amounted to five percent of econo-mic output. This changed within eight years into a surplus of one percent. Economic growth, tax increases andspending discipline

Death Penalty is Forever (tags)

When making a choice concerning a man's life, there is no return from the wrong choice. Once a man is executed by the state, later evidence of innocence will not bring Kevin Cooper back from the dead. We need a time out, stop the execution of Kevin Cooper..

Block Away (tags)

I am in favor of IndyMedia blocking KOBE members.

Are "anarcho"-capitalists really Anarchists? (tags)

Because "anarcho"-capitalists embrace capitalism and reject socialism, they cannot be considered anarchists or part of the anarchist tradition.

Forgive Absolutely (A.K.A. The Way of Honour) (tags)

representing all fun and honour

Forgive Absolutely (A.K.A. anger dishonours all victims) (tags)

highest sacredness

Anger Cannot Be Justified (tags)

Assuming love is real.

Anger Cannot Be Justified (tags)

Assuming love is real.

The Reality of Manifesting a World of Trust (tags)




Destroy The Network By Henry Kissinger(Washington Post) (tags)

An attack such as yesterday's requires systematic planning, a good organization, a lot of money and a base. You cannot improvise something like this, ...

Nader and capitalism--a reply to the "Primer" (tags)

Radical politics cannot be consistent with union busting, cannot be consistent with investing in the most abusive mulitinational corporations-----Radicalism cannot be consistent with giving money to the Gap, as it exploits sweatshop labor, to Raytheon, as it produces more missiles to kill more Arabs, to Occidental, as it begins drilling on the land of indigenous Colombians.

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